Analyses De publicités (document en anglais)
Documents Gratuits : Analyses De publicités (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 14 Août 2014 • 4 405 Mots (18 Pages) • 951 Vues
-Theme: This ad focused on encouraging Etisalat competitors’ (Vodafone) customers to “break up” with their mobile operator & switch to Etisalat’s Network.
In order to present this “break up” concept, Etisalat presented in a humorous way a classic break up conversation between a couple, the male being Vodafone’s client and the female being Vodafone’s operator. Through the whole scene, the male is trying to break up the relationship claiming it’s his problem and not the female’s, he is trying to be sensitive and considerate to her feelings but the femaleall needy and neurotic keeps crying through the whole ad not wanting to let go of the male.
-Message: the message Etisalat is trying to pass through to its current and potential customers is that although it is very hard and painful to “break up” with your current service provider (Vodafone), it is totally worth it for what Etisalat is offering you.
Etisalat is attacking its competitors and proving it is number one on the mobile operator market. It is encouraging its customers to abandon their current service provider and start a new “relationship” with Etisalat because the company offers you the best services on the market.
-If we take a closer look at the ad, we can find that it is targeting two different audiences.
The direct audience targeted by the ad are all the customers of its competitor “Vodafone”. But it is also indirectly targeting Etisalat’s current customers assuring them that they already have the best service provider and that they don’t have to go through this painful breakup others customers go through. Etisalat is telling them indirectly that they are already in a good “relationship” with the best service provider.
-In this ad, the message is being transmitted through a mix of emotions, symbols and a few facts.
It uses humor as its main attraction. The Egyptian population is a funny population that always makes jokes and loves to laugh, so making them laugh and focusing the ad on humorous one of the best ways to approach them.
It also uses a very familiar situation between couples, a “break up” situation so people can relate to the ad even more. It uses common sentences we hear in this situation.
It also gives few details about the offer of free minutes.
-Since the ad is humorous, it creates some pleasant emotions to the person watching it such as joy, laughter and places the person in a light and pleasant atmosphere.
-The elements of execution of the ad listed below are significant and many.
The colors: The red in the background of the operator’s desk refers to the dominant color of Vodafone’s logo. Etisalat is hinting that it’s talking about Vodafone without bluntly saying the company’s name in the ad.
The characters’ features: The female and the male.
The female is Vodafone’s customer service representative who is insecure and nagging and trying to do everything in her power to prevent the male from breaking up with her. She is using many annoying sentences to do so such as=:
"هو إنا اشتكينالك"، "إحنا عملنا إيه"، "لأ أكيد ديقناك في حاجة" "إحنا اللي عملنا حاجة، عملنا إيه بقى؟"، "متقولش على نفسك كدة أنت جميل!".
The male is trying to break up with the female in a nice way without hurting her feelings and even claiming that he has the issue and not the female but he gives up at the end.
The visuals: the graphics are used to represent the two characters described above in a funny way. The head is actually enlarged in proportion to the rest of the body. The enlarged head but also the funny expressions that keep appearing on the character’s faces especially the female’s (when she cries or when she uses the tissue) add to the humor of the ad and help make people laugh.
The tone: the humorous tone of the ad is shown in the situation in which the characters are placed but also in the way they look.
The slogan: Etisalat’s slogan appearing at the end of the ad "الدنيا لسة فيها أكتر" encourages further more to go and switch to Etisalat in order to discover these wide possibilities it is offering them and that their competitor is unable to offer.
The Facts: The offer of Etisalat only appeared at the end of the ad in a quick way without any important details. It only states that the customer can have free minutes and can even have more free minutes to transfer to anyone he wishes. It represents one of the wide possibilities Etisalat is talking about.
-We actually like the ad a lot because it is one of the most creative ads presented in the Egyptian advertising industry. It used a new approach which customers identified with, it used humour (the base of the Egyptian society) combined with innovative, attractive and funny graphics.
Actually two thing prove the success of the idea of the campaign, the first one is the fact that the catch phrase “متقولش على نفسك كده أنت جميل” has been used a lot in the Egyptian community especially the youth; the second one is that the idea of these graphics is still used in Etisalat’s advertising campaign until now (Etisalat’s 2014 advertising campaign).
-Theme: This ad emphasizes the fact that Juhayna’s yogurt has “superpowers”, it is not like any other ordinary yogurt. It possesses many benefits such as vitamins, potassium, fibers and minerals that will give the child who eats it “super strength”. Eating Juhayna’s yogurt enabled the child who first refused to finish his cup of yogurt within seconds into a soccer superstar: Mohamed Barakat.
-Message: Juhayna is trying to pass a double message, one addressed to the child watching the ad and the other addressed to his parent.
The 1st message addressed to the child is aiming to fascinate him and tell him that if you eat Juhayna’s yogurt, you will become like the person you love and admire within seconds. You will become a grown up like him (Barakat) but also famous, successful and a superstar.
The 2nd message addressed to the parent is a more rational one, focusing more on facts rather than emotions. The ad is aiming to assure