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5 types d'encadrements. (Document en anglais)

Note de Recherches : 5 types d'encadrements. (Document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Décembre 2013  •  842 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 193 Vues

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Leadership is influencing people — by providing purpose, direction, and motivation — while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.

Army definition

Autocratic :

Advantages: limits arguments thus lenghty debate + employees have the only task of working and it can allow them to master their work and be proficient enough to help the company grow

Disadvantages: New ideas and fresh vision can vanish, frustration among the employees can grow, and the fear the turnover and the absenteeism can arise which will hinder progress

Context: Some of the appropriate conditions to use it is when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated.

The authoritarian style should normally only be used on rare occasions. If you have the time and want to gain more commitment and motivation from your employees, then you should use the participative style.

Participative :

Adavntages: boosts employees moral who contribute to the decision making process, help to make changes in the company smoother to employees

Disadvantages: not adapted when companies need to make quick decisions, less effective with unskilled workers, some sentitive business information will be shared to take some decisions and it could lead to a leak of info.

Context: This is especially important when implementing change, so that group members are prepared for the transation and are bought in to the change process.

During challenging business situations that require the group members to pull together.

Where 'out the box' thinking is required and risks need to be taken if the organisation is to achieve growth plans

When there is a technical problem that requires technically qualified individuals to combine their expertise to find a solution.

Laissez-faire or free reign :

Advantages: For certain kind of task like for the day to day routine it can be essential to let the employees choose their own way of doing it, it will be easier for them than precise procedures

Disadvantages: lack of regular feedback to the leader then a lack of control which can increase overall cost in the companies, decrease production

Context: Free Reign Leadership is an effective style to use when:

• The leader is a good role model for decision making and provides high level vision

• Employees are highly skilled, experienced, and educated.

• Employees have pride in their work and the drive to do it successfully autonomously.

• Outside experts, such as executive coaches or consultants are being used

• Employees are trustworthy and confident

• The team is a high performing group of capable and driven people

This style should not be used when:

• The leader is not confident in their ability or can not make a decision

• The leader will not provide regular feedback to let employees know how they are performing


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