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La Décathlon au Vietnam (document en anglais)

Compte Rendu : La Décathlon au Vietnam (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mai 2012  •  565 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 631 Vues

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1.1. DECATHLON VIETNAM history1.2. Shares valued in DECATHLON VIETNAM1.3. Product Brand dedicated1.4. Product development cylce

2. Overview of Shoe Department:

2.1. Key dates2.2. Key figures2.3. SWOT matrix

3. Positioning strategy of KALENJI

3.1. Positioning3.2. KALENJI’ s segmentation3.3. Products

4. Brand identity of KALENJI5. New product development

5.1. Brand Extensions5.2. Reason for lauching a new product5.3. Identity of NEOFEEL5.4. Products

6. Marketing plan for 2008

6.1. For KALENJI- Products- Price- Promotion- Place and Position6.2. For NEOFEEL- Products- Price- Promotion- Place


Agreement of maintaining the shoes and restore it in the term of theschooling.

* Place and Position:

At the first period of Lotus project, we concentrate our products in European market, inprincipal, we produce in Vietnam and export to many countries all over the world suchas: Europe, China, USA, Poland, Spain, Brazil, Russia, Korea, Japan…Moreover, we have good long-term contract with big suppliers in Shoes branch toallocate capacity for production planning. Our suppliers are Bitis, Thai Binh, Pouyuen…For further projects, we will establish the outlet in VN in coming years, and we stronglyhave believed that with this special event, the sale of Kalenji shoes will increase moreand more.Relating to the position plan

Able to analyze the cost/ gain in terms of quality-cost-lead time. Propose solutionto reduce cost.

Develop the method to reduce lead-time i.e. stock components…

Work on the automatic orders for blue products.

Each process is able to produce at 2 suppliers.

Suppliers are autonomous in quality control

6.1. For NEOFEEL:

* Product:

With this new running passion brand KALENJI, it's this style of running we wishto communicate and develop, and it's with this new approach to running that wewant to encourage participation.

It is great style and excellent quality leather at an unbeatable price.

Easy to put on and fasten, this shoe is extremely flexible. Thanks to it plain andsporty.

Here are below are the summary of product process from sample to mass production:Page 14

1. Production leader


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