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Créer une marque employeur (document en anglais)

Note de Recherches : Créer une marque employeur (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  18 Avril 2014  •  669 Mots (3 Pages)  •  769 Vues

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Summary of key points arising from case study

Start from the business strategy. An employer brand only has meaning

when it is presented in the context of an overarching company strategy.

Lead change from within the business to enhance success. In the case

study, the trap of HR owning the culture change was studiously

avoided. This enhanced the acceptability of the new brand.

Do not over-plan the change process – stay flexible. Things change

as organizations move through a change process. This case study

illustrates how to plan phase by phase, ensuring that feedback is

incorporated into future plans.

Be creative – do things in new ways. Culture change can only be

achieved by doing things differently. In this case, the organization

incorporated some radically new ways of doing things by using the

principle of marketing to engage employees in the desired changes.

Build on the current cultural strengths rather than attack current

habits or try to break things down. The employer brand was derived

from conversations with a wide cross-section of employees, so there

was a ‘rightness’ about the brand values, which impressed people.

Case study description

This third case study illustrates the challenges and opportunities offered

by creating an employer brand. The organization in this case study is a

highly successful and dynamic global spirits and wine business which has

grown steadily through merger and acquisition over the last 10 years. The

steady progress of industry consolidation worldwide led this business to

consider its future as either an acquiring or an acquired company. This

contemplation led to a desire to strengthen various aspects of the business,

resulting in three interrelated aims:

to be fit and ready to take opportunities as they arise, whether they

come from industry consolidation, acquisition or new ventures;

to achieve quality growth by:

– generating volume and share growth on specific existing key brands;

– encouraging innovation and launching new products;

– integrating newly acquired brands and businesses;

to enable the above to happen smoothly by implementing simple and

flexible systems and processes such as those delivered by SAP.

In order to encourage full engagement and involvement in the new

strategy, the organization decided to launch an employer brand which

challenged all business units to get full commitment of all employees, so

that each person could become part of a unified winning team, connecting

with consumers and taking the business to new levels of growth. The top

team wanted everyone to be engaged in the action, committed to the goal

and confident of their part in achieving it. Everyone was expected to take

an active role individually, and work with others as part of the team.

One of the significant pieces of data that informed this employer brand

strategy was the following quote from the Collins and Porras survey,


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