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Cosmétiques Masculins (document en anglais)

Note de Recherches : Cosmétiques Masculins (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Septembre 2012  •  1 211 Mots (5 Pages)  •  1 032 Vues

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BANKMED’s campains:

BankMed's Greenest School and Green Students

According to worldwide experts; Climate on Earth is changing caused mainly by Deforestation, CO2 Emissions, un-recycled waste, Consumed Energy and Pollution.

The United Nations (COPENHAGEN 2010) are calling World Leaders to work out a new climate deal and World Citizens to respect the environment by planting trees, reducing, CO 2 emissions, recycling, consuming differently, saving water.

For this purpose and in line with its environmental campaign BankMed is launching a school/student competition to increase awareness among students and create a new environmental responsibility among the Lebanese Youth.

For further details, please visit us at:

Competition between studentsv – environemtn

Happy Planet

In an effort designed to raise awareness for a healthy and clean planet, BankMed has declared 2009 the year to better the environment by kicking off the "Happy Planet" program. Throughout the year, BankMed will be introducing environmentally friendly initiatives both internally, within their offices, and to the mass population that contribute towards a happier planet.

With "Happy Planet" program, BankMed will be taking the lead across Lebanon to ensure a better world for tomorrow's generation.

With the same commitment of understanding customers' needs, BankMed in 2009 is committed to a happy green planet...

Everyone wants to be happier. Lately happiness is making headlines, and selling books, inspiring scientific studies. The reason it seems is positive psychology that is producing happier people who become more creative and productive, earn more money, attract more friends, enjoy better marriages stay healthier, and even outlive our grumpier peers. In a challenging world, rarely do we feel comfortable enough to take the time to be happy, or just to smile. At BankMed, our retail arm MedRetail provides you with a wide variety of tailor-made products individually tailored to meet your needs and insure that you…

... keep smiling.


How many times do you find yourself in such awkward situations whereby you asked for something very specific and got something completely different in return? It is as if people don’t understand what you need or what you are saying. At BankMed, our experience and know-how are at your disposal to answer all your requirements and needs, because we take the time to listen to you, understand your language, know exactly what you need and provide you with tailor-made products that suit you best.


Personal Business

MedDelivery Channels Corporate Banking

MedLoans Institutional Banking

MedCards Trade Finance


MedPlans International Presence

MedServices BankMed (Suisse)

T-Bank (Turkey)

Financial Markets SaudiMed Investment Co. (Saudi Arabia)

Treasury BankMed Cyprus

Investment Banking


Private Banking

Call center 24/7

The new year opens a new chapter of success for BankMed; which has embarked on a solid and clear path to solidify its position at home and expand its presence abroad, as good growth opportunities present themselves. As one of the top ten banks in Lebanon, the Bank now stands on a solid platform and looks forward to growing further, by capitalizing on what it does best: provide the most optimal banking services to its broad range of customers.

BankMed continues to be the market leader in corporate banking, and today we provide funding to a large majority of the top corporate groups in Lebanon. Yet, over the past four years we have focused concertedly on expanding and strengthening our Retail and Investment banking businesses. Our recent


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