Application of the Blockchain Technology in Banks and Corporations
Thèse : Application of the Blockchain Technology in Banks and Corporations. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kopatich • 17 Avril 2019 • Thèse • 15 103 Mots (61 Pages) • 888 Vues
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Application of the Blockchain Technology in Banks and Corporations
A Capstone
Presented to the Faculty of European University
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for
The Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Finance
By: Andrei Anikin
I hereby undersign that the work submitted is my own effort. I certify that all material in this Dissertation, which is not my own work, has been identified and acknowledged. No materials are included for which a degree has been previously conferred upon me.
Signed Place/Date
I wish to firstly thank my parents for granting me this opportunity to study at EU business school and for supporting me during all the time of my studies. I would like to thank my friends who encouraged me to write this work. Especially, I am thankful to my supervisor, Professor Cornel Gavata for his assistance, endless support, and for showing the future perspectives of my life related to the topic of this paper.
Table of Contents
Executive summary 7
1. Introduction 8
1.1 Aims 9
1.2 Objectives 9
1.3 Background 9
1.4 Anticipated conclusion 10
2. Literature review 11
2.1 Bitcoin 11
2.1.1 Advantages of Bitcoin 12 Decentralisation 12 Lower fees 12 Secure transactions 13 Pseudonymous and transparent 13
2.1.2 Disadvantages of Bitcoin 14 Volatility 14 Rising costs 14 Confirmation window 15 Orphan blocks 16 «51% attack» 16 Illegal activities 17 Imperfect anonymity 18 Satoshi Nakamoto 18
2.1.3 Hijacking of Bitcoins 19 Border Gateway Protocol 19 Wallets 20 Malicious software 20
2.2 Bitcoin alternatives: altcoins 21
2.2.1 Cryptocurrencies 22 Unlimited supply 23
2.2.2 Crypto assets 23 Second life 25
2.2.3 Scamcoins 26 Crowd funding 27
2.3 Blockchain 27
2.3.1 Block 28 Blockchain fork 28
2.3.2 Merkle tree 29 SPV 29
2.3.3 Consensus 29 Proof-of-Work 30 Proof-of-Stake 30 Proof-of-Burn 31
2.3.4 Sidechains 31
2.3.5 Altchains 32
2.4 Implementation of the blockchain 33
2.4.1 Timeline 34
2.5 Potential of the blockchain 34
2.5.1 Decentralized autonomous organization 35
2.5.2 NATO and the Pentagon 36
3. Methodology 37
3.1 Appropriate method 37
3.2 Limitations, disadvantages and issues 37
4. Key Findings 39
4.1 Mean of exchange 39
4.2 Distributed ledger 39
4.3 Private key 40
4.4 Application 40
5. Conclusion 42
6. Recommendations 43
6.1 Government intervention 43
6.2 Owner discovery related threat 43
6.3 Control the blockchain 43
6.4 Realization of blockchain 44
7. Discussion 45
Bibliography 46
Appendixes 49
Interview №1 49
Interview №2 51
Glossary of Abbreviations 53
Executive summary
The paper describes the application of the blockchain technology in banks and corporations. It commences with the brief description of the subject of the research. Then, it provides the reader with the aims and objectives of the research and continues with the background of studies and anticipated conclusion. Afterward, the next chapter of literature review follows highlighting Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Yet, it mentions advantages and disadvantages of Bitcoin as they are extremely related to the blockchain technology. Among advantages of using Bitcoin, there are the absence of the third party, lower costs of transactions, a higher level of security, and pseudonymous transactions. The disadvantages of the system are volatility of the price of Bitcoin, rising costs of approving transactions, quite long time to confirm the transaction, orphan blocks, possibility to take over the system by acquiring the control of 51% of the involved computing power. The last chapter discussed in Bitcoin-related part investigates the ways of the hijacking of Bitcoins. Then, the literature review continues with the bitcoin alternatives featuring service offering altcoins, which are divided by alternative cryptocurrencies, crypto assets, and scamcoins. Afterward, the paper is describing step by step the features of blockchain technology. Those features include a structure of the blockchain and ways of approving the transactions. Else, it provides the reader with the latest developments of the blockchain such as sidechains and altchains. The major difference between these two types of distributed ledger is that the first is based on a similar to Bitcoin’s blockchain code with slight modifications and the second is constructed on the entire other code. The last two chapters of the literature review describe the issues of implementation of blockchain and the potential of its future adoption. The third chapter describes the proposed methodology for researching on the thesis. It includes the reasoning on the appropriateness of the chosen methods for the research, disadvantages of those methods and issues faced while applying the selected methodology. The fourth chapter describes the key findings determined after the careful research on the topic. Those findings include key issues of the legalization of the blockchain in regards to using it as a mean of exchange, the problem of distributed ledger, issues of storing the private keys and issue with the application of the technology. Following chapter make a conclusion based on the revised information. Then, the chapter culminates with the author’s recommendations on the elimination of the key issue of both blockchain and cryptocurrency. Final chapters include bibliography and appendixes with an interview and a glossary of abbreviations.