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Que signifie vraiment le mot «héros» appliqué à de vraies personnes? (document en anglais)

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Que signifie vraiment le mot «héros» appliqué à de vraies personnes? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Décembre 2014  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  813 Mots (4 Pages)  •  846 Vues

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First of all, we can ask about what does the word « hero » truly mean when applied to real people ? It’s a difficult word to define because it has several connotations, some more universal than others. One person who fits the definition, both the traditional one and my personal one, is my mother. She is a true hero.

Morever,if the word “hero” is mentioned, many people may instantly think of someone who saves lives or improves the lives of others in an extraordinary way. For example, popular fictional super “heroes” such as Superman and Wonderwoman save people from burning buildings and bring person who commits wicked acts to justice. Leaving the everyday world, the hero follows a way with challenges and adventures, perhaps involving magic or the supernatural. A hero may even enter the underworld and confront death itself.

At the heart of many of the world's most enduring myths and legends is a hero, a man or woman who triumphs over obstacles. Indeed, Heroes are not all-powerful and immortal beings. Instead they represent the best of what it means to be human, demonstrating great strength, courage, wisdom, cleverness, or devotion. The heroes of Greek mythology are often lost. Besides, knowing their names and exploits is essential for understanding references in literature and even popular culture today. So let's recognize and celebrate Hercules and Perseus and the others by their proper dictionary definition: "In mythology and legend, a man or woman, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his or her bold exploits, and favored by the gods."

Nevertheless, there are real life heroes who are an icon for people such as Nelson Mandela who was the most respected, and probably the most loved of all world leaders in the late 20th century, and the most enduring of the heroes who emerged from the political convulsions of the 1980s. He personified the peaceful and rapid transition of power in South Africa that many had thought impossible, while his commitment to reconciliation was underlined by his own experience of personal sacrifice and forgiveness. Martin Luther King is another great example of a hero. He risked going to prison many times in order to lead the struggle for equal rights for black Americans in the 1950s; in the end, his quest for civil rights cost him his life. But because of King and his work, there is less injustice and more equality in American society than there used to be. Therefore, many would call King a hero for his important work, which profoundly affected the lives of many people.

My own definition of a “hero” however, is different from the traditional, more dramatic one : to me, a hero can also be someone who puts the needs of others before his own. My mother fits into this category of hero as well. She spends much of her free time doing service work at our church, including working at a soup kitchen for the homeless and collecting canned goods for the hungry at Christmastime. These acts are note only kind but also selfless. But she knows that it is important to help others less fortunate than herself. Futhermore, when she is not helping out at church, she is very often spending her time being a good mother to me. For example, even when she is tired after coming home from her work, she will help me with my schoolwork. On weekends, she drives me to my fitness sport and almost always watches me making sport


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