Understanding Chinese society
Chronologie : Understanding Chinese society. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar lsanlkk • 15 Mars 2017 • Chronologie • 341 Mots (2 Pages) • 737 Vues
Understanding Chinese society
- Pre-class discussion: Cultural shock in Shanghai
Spitting, Politesse (in china is about trusting), … etc
Ethnocentrism: practice of judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture.
Qualitative research method often used in social sciences, anthropology and socio
- Often employed for gathering empirical data on human societies/ cultures
- Data collection often done through participant obs, interviews, questionnaires
- It aims to describe the nature of those who are studies through writing
Insider vs. Outsider
Pay attention to the local terms
Understqnding Contemporary Chinese society 1978 : Post Mao period begun with 13th National Congress of CCP, was born Contemporary Chinese society
China is undergoing classic modernization, defined by social processes (indus, urb, mass education, commercialization, advance techno ..ect)
- 3 themes to understand contemporary Chinese society
- Multiplicity, diversity, stratification
Non homogenous, diversity of Chinese identities, cultures and experiences – ethnic, lifestyle
Differences and ≠ between groups and individuals – regional, class, gender
- Historical and compa perspectives
Both ongoing change and the presence of past in today’s Chinese soc
A east-vwest dichotomy framework is less useful
- Drivers of social change
Structural forces/ major actors behind the social change (state policy, collective action, globalization)
- The rise of China studies
- China : object of china studies
- The “otherness” of china
- Before 1978 : limited access – interviewing Chinese immigrants
- After 1978
- Significance of “Chinese experiences”
Eco miracle and great transfo that have drawn
- 2 major paradigms
- Impact – Reactiom Model : mostly in History (pre 1949)
Tradition (confucianism) and modernity (resultof impact of West) is mutually exclusive
- State – Society Model : tension between the state and the society(post 1949)
Conflict Model : stqte’s “top_down” control and societ’s “bottom-up” resistance
Interaction :odel, coexistence of state and society that compromise
- A possible China-centered approach
Paul COHEN, Discovering history in China 1984
Study of Chinese pb should be located into the social and historical context of China – Reject external version of Chinese history