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The Chandeleur

Fiche de lecture : The Chandeleur. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Avril 2015  •  Fiche de lecture  •  243 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 335 Vues

The Chandeleur means the party of candles, it is the religious and traditional celebration which has for meaning to commemorate the presentation of Jesus in the temple. 

The Chandeleur takes place February 2nd is 39 days after Christmas.

Who says Candlemas says to make crêpes of course.. 


The Chandeleur is of heathen origin and is connected to the light.

At Romain: it was Lupercales which were celebrated by February 15th, inspired by Lupercus (god of the fertility and the herds).

At the Celts: it was Imbolc who was celebrated on February first as the celebration of the purification and the fertility of the end of the winter.

The farmers carried torches and traveled fields in procession, asking the goddess to cleanse the land before sowings.

In V century Pope Gélase I grants to this party of candles in the classic arts Lupercales or in the parties of Proserpine and Cérès.

In churches we replace torches by blessed candles from which the light is supposed to take away the evil and calls reminds that the Christ is the light of the world.

The Christians bring back then wax candles at their home to protect their home.

In 1372 this party will be associated with the purification of the Virgin.

The crêpes of a round shape and a golden color represent the Sun, what explains that we make crêpes for the Chandeleur, where days lengthen faster and faster.

February is the period of the beginning of winter sowings; we used some flour too to make crêpes.


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