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Mandela à Travers Invictus

Analyse sectorielle : Mandela à Travers Invictus. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Mai 2015  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  554 Mots (3 Pages)  •  795 Vues

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Synopsis :

In 1995, Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) has just been elected president of South Africa. The country is still divided by apartheid. That same year South Africa hosts the World Championship rugby. If the odds are not in favor of the Springbok team, Mandela sees instead an opportunity to unite his people. He meets François Pieenar, the team captain (Matt Damon) that will support and encourage throughout the workout. As the matches, the South Africans will come together and support their team, gradually forgetting what had hitherto divided.

How through this film, Mandela may be seen as a hero ?

In Invictus, President Mandela began his term after 27 years in prison, and is using the World Cup to play rugby symbolism around the sport and bring together a country that invites all to slug it out.

In this film, it is a nation to be brought together, the film portrays the political skill and at the same time a process of symbolic kind.

He sees through this sporting event, the possible creation of a sense of unity behind Springbook nation, which is the symbol of africa white, their domination and apartheid (1948-1991).

«  One team, one country »

A sport can it affect the mindset of men? → political and human bet for Mandela !

He wants to change things, do not take revenge on their oppressors, use compassion towards them. This is a necessary fight against forgiveness.

At the end of this tension, it appears that the newly elected president is

perceived as a threat by a variety of people ( fear among whites and a desire for revenge among black).

«  I'm the master of my fate, i'm the captain of my soul ». cf poème invictus.

How is the development of Mandela person?

This is a simple solitary man, a great man quiet Olympian above fear. its

height of view is staged.

But it is also Madiba bed that simply getting up in the morning. He is very friendly,

warm, close.

It is above and with people.

He names things (he sees the empty offices) and is put in a position to camp a character

this stature (intervention two white cops). It embodies the speech he says.

It therefore leaves the regime fear (of strength) of the beginning of the movie to go to a register

different when you leave mistrust, fear, mutual aggression.

The scene concluded in a lyrical impulse when the nation is compared to a lighthouse light. for

achieve this goal, everyone must contribute.

This is an invitation to join the clear position of the director


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