Avortement (document en anglais)
Commentaire de texte : Avortement (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sissy12 • 25 Novembre 2014 • Commentaire de texte • 350 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 100 Vues
est ce que l avortement est legaleStephen Harper made us Canadians understands that he wanted to be different; he wanted to be leader that did something no other person on power has done. He said he believe in open federalism and wanted the provinces to be part of the dialogues. But what exactly is open federalism. It is benefiting from the experience, expertise that the different provinces can bring to the table during national dialogue. It doesn’t stop there it also means to respect areas of provincial jurisdiction. We can also identify open federalism as a way to establish a formal mechanism for provincial contribution into the development of the growth of the Canadian position in the international negotiations where provincial power is affected. It is about partnership with every level in the government and being clear about the role of everyone involve from who does what to who is accountable for it. It is about comparing and putting resources together and looking forward to the accomplishment of the resources put together. Open federalism can help bring the different provinces together and that mean well for Canada and Canadian as a whole.
According to Stephen Harper Canadians want their government to work for them, are fed up with the spectacle of turf wars and squabbling over money. They want their leader to work together to deal with real life priorities. He said that during a speech in Montreal in 2006. Under Harper government open federalism mean
- Taking advantage of the experience and expertise that the provinces and territories can contribute to the national dialogue
- Respecting areas of provincial jurisdiction
- Keeping the federal government’s spending power within bounds
- Full cooperation by the government of Canada with all other levels of government, while clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each.
Stephen Harper open federalism is a way forward because it brings provinces together , it bring partnership and allow the provinces to feel part of the dialogue and Canadian spirit. It helps Canada social, political, and economical growth. Open federalism has many advantages it leads to political stability, it encourage pluralism, ensure the separation of powers.