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Mandela : un pacifiste ou un rebelle ?

Analyse sectorielle : Mandela : un pacifiste ou un rebelle ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Mai 2014  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  769 Mots (4 Pages)  •  812 Vues

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First of all, what is a rebel ? A rebel is a man or a woman who refuse to abide by a superior authority or who dispute something.

Next, the name of Nelson Mandela : Rolilhala mean troublemaker, when he was young it was a boxer these first elements show it's a born fighter. At his second year in university of Fort Hare the only universitie which accept black people, Mandela stand out from by his resignation of the seat of representative student council where he was elected despite his boycott to get better food and higher powers for the student council.

Then, he was returned to the university, refused an arranged marriage by his guardian and fled to Johannesburg. He became employed at a law firm and then began studying law at the University of Witwatersrand, where he met many future anti-apartheid activists.

Mandela: pacifist or rebel ?

Perhaps it’s a false contradiction. But today there are many who stress the pacifist message with which South Africa’s Nelson Mandela (1918-2013) emerged from prison in 1990, while few put an emphasis on his rebellion against apartheid, including armed rebellion, which landed him in prison.

Mandela was a political activist and a revolutionary at least since 1942. Two years later he joined the African National Congress, becoming a founding member of the Youth league, and leading the movement, which had been inconsequential for decades, to more radical positions.

Mandela was a rebel when he headed the civil disobedience campaign against the unjust laws of the white segregationist regime in 1952, and when, although he was a poor student, he qualified as a lawyer and set up the country’s first black law firm.

Because he was a rebel he was banned more than once, arrested and prosecuted in the Treason Trial, before he was finally acquitted in 1961. He was a rebel when he went underground.

But above all he stayed true to his rebelliousness after the Sharpeville massacre of 69 unarmed demonstrators during a Mar. 21, 1960 protest against the apartheid laws, the subsequent state of emergency, the arrest of 18,000 people and the banning of the ANC and other organisations.

He understood then that demonstrations, strikes and civil disobedience were not enough to shake the foundations of apartheid, whose structure had become more sophisticated, to the absurd extent of creating the Bantustans or territories set aside for blacks.

It was an act of rebellion to lead the armed struggle in 1961 and help create the military wing of the ANC, Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation). And to secretly leave the country and seek support and guerrilla training.

Mandela spent years in prison, starting in 1962. In 1964 he was tried for sabotage and sentenced to life. His rebelliousness sustained him for 27 years in prison, during which time he turned down three offers of parole.

The universal right to rebel against oppression has often been the object of suppression and above all of distortion and misrepresentation.

In the case of South Africa, it took the United States a long time to think it through. Not until 2008 did it remove the ANC from the State Department list’s of terrorist organisations – nine years after the end of Mandela’s term as


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