Externalisation de tous les cabinets (document en anglais)
Lettre type : Externalisation de tous les cabinets (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sara13008 • 24 Mars 2014 • Lettre type • 577 Mots (3 Pages) • 670 Vues
It’s seems clear that for several firm Outsourcing represent a huge opportunity to develop their capital, and their brand. All of the firm that choose the Outsourcing option can even improve their image brand because they go to developing country like China.
Currently the best zone, which offers a good outsourcing option, is Africa.
Actually there are some various reasons why companies want to outsourcing production to Africa. First of all, firms wants to complement their production by setting up in Africa. By the way they can improve their image brand and find new consumer in Africa.
Currently Africa has a growing middle class and in time a huge potential for sales.
Second of all, most of these companies are producing clothes with underpaid labour. So that can help to develop easily the firm, indeed firms can produce clothes for nothing and sell them to the final consumer expansively. Additionally they can benefits of free corporate taxes and raw textiles are imported duty-free. That’s why Africa can become a global outsourcing Hub with cheaper labour maket.
For example H&M produce clothe on a small scale in Africa for these previous reasons. With a fast growing countries firms are find the “last frontier” with Africa after Asia.
Let’s focus on the benefits of this system for African countries. African countries know as well as firm difficult an economics policy can be, so they transform their economies by integrating themselves into the global supply chain. They created some news area called Export Processing Zones (EPZs) to stimulate the export part better than the import part of economics revenue stream. African nation encourage investment by speeding up several formalities like licences or building permits and give to investor a duty free tax contract like 10 years without tax. That can help to developing infrastructure like roads or telecommunication. Most of Export Processing Zones are closed from airports or ports. That can be a motivation for foreign investor and create new jobs, develop industry and technology and the best thing for a nation create a link between this kind of zone and domestic economy.
Even if there is several benefits it still remaining disadvantages of this kind of system for African workers. Underpaid labour is a problem but that’s why foreign firm settle in this kind of countries so it’s difficult for government to allow employees to be paid more than that. We can explain that by a willingness to keep a lower cost for foreign firms to be more competitive than other nation.
It’s clear that employment in Export processing zone is the same thing as low wages, high work intensity and unsafe working conditions and of course a suppression of labour rights. Africans people depend of this kind of jobs so they can’t say anything.
To conclude we will see some way to combat the exploitation of poor workers. To illustrate that we can quote the Global Exchange organization which is a human rights organization promoting social, economic and environmental justice. In fact Fair Trade is uniting more and more people to provide alternatives and combat this kind work.
With this unity around that people are now more sensitive of the unscrupulous practices, now they know that some