Mitt Romney
Commentaires Composés : Mitt Romney. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar mathiiiilde • 4 Février 2013 • 1 132 Mots (5 Pages) • 721 Vues
The choice 2012 is a documentary that was broadcast on PBS. This documentary follows the two main candidates at presidential election in the United States : Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.
We are going to focus on Mitt Romney during this presentation, to talk about his family, his life, and his career, and how he came to do politics. Then, we will show how Mitt Romney is a flip flop clandidate.
Firstly, we are going to evoke his youth. Then, his career and his involvement in the Mormons. Finally, we will focus on his career as a politician.
Now i am going to talk about
I.)His youth.
A. His social background and his father's influence on his life
Willard Mitt Romney was born on March 12, 1947 (the twelfth of March nineteen forty seven), in Detroit, in the state of Michigan. He is the youngest child of the family, and he has one brother and two sisters. His parents moved from Detroit to the affluent suburb of Bloomfield Hills, alwalys in the state of Michigan. He grew up in a quiet and rich neighborhood.
His parents are very wealthy and they are members of the mormon community. His mother, Lenore, gave up an acting career when she met and married his father, George. His father was an automobile executive and a Republican Party politician. Mitt's father had humble origins and never graduated from university. His father followed an apprenticeship as a carpenter and sold aluminum paint before becoming chairman and president of American Motors Corporation, that is one of the four largest industries in the nation. And he was the 43rd (fourty third) Govorner of Michigan. He representated Moderate Republicans against Conservative Republicans.
Mitt Romney adored his father, and followed him everywhere. He idolized him. His father was his rôle model, he wanted to be with him all the time. We can say that his father had a great influence on Mitt.
From an early age, his father took him with him during his speeches, his campaigns. Mitt Romney was not particularly interested in politics. All he wanted was to be with his father. His father was in favour of the Vietnam War, so was Mitt Romney who protests against pacifists.
Unlike Obama, Mitt Romney grew up in a favorized environment.
B./ His studies
II .) His involvment in the Mormons and his professional career
A.) Mormons
Wikipedia defines the Mormon community as : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or the Mormon Church. It is a Christian primitivist church that considers itself to be a restauration of the church founded by Jesus Christ. The church is headquartered in Salt Lake City, in the state of Utah and has established congregations(called wards or branches) and built temples worldwide. It is the fourth largest Christian denomination in the United States.
Before 1980, the Mormons were polygamists. Polygamy was tolerated and pluralistic marriages were common. But after 1980, polygamy was banned. Today fidelity is one of the most important issues of the Mormon religion. Sex before marriage is forbidden, and the spouses must be faithful. Smoking and drinking were forbidden too.
Mitt Romney was raised in the Mormon tradition. His grandparents belonged to the generation that had known polygamy. They had to leave the United States to settle in Mexico because polygamy was banned in the United States.
During his youth, Mitt spent 30 months