La géopolitique (document en anglais)
Thèse : La géopolitique (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 15 Juin 2013 • Thèse • 535 Mots (3 Pages) • 635 Vues
Course n°1:
Raw materials push states to work together and study international relations. The communism doesn’t exist, every government need a structure and a hierarchy which is totally opposite from the communism. Communism equals anarchism. Cuba, China, Laos, Vietnam and North Korea are the 5 last socialists’ countries. Countries in political science doesn’t exist we talk about states. A state is a physical space upon which a central authority has the monopoly of the use of legitimate violence by the definition of Max Webber in Politics (1990). In international relation we have 4 actors: states, international organization (E.U., NAFTA, UNO…), multinationals and NGO (Greenpeace, WWF…).
The school of realism: believe that the world’s stage is characterized by anarchy. The supranational organizations doesn’t work, states can finally do what they want. Believe that moral and values, if applied in international relations, can cause wars. States only seeks on its interests and to expand its influence and power force. Hans Morgenthau
The school of constructivism: says that by constructing a new group, state or country reality by imposing morals, values, good neighbors’ relationships among states, you promote world peace. Alexander Wendt
Hubert (1970) maid the total level of energy and for him the “pick oil” (apogee petroleum extraction) will be in 2015. In 2030, the price of water could be as expensive as oil and even more! In this period, 1.6 billions of world population will have absolutely no access to water.
Course n°2:
The school of liberalism: Ricardo and Smith are the fathers of this school which consists to preserve peace by trading between countries and sharing the same values. The economic interests between liberals’ countries are so important that they finally never (?) risk declaring war between themselves.
The school of neo-conservatism: created by Irvin Kristol in 1977 in his book The Confessions of a Self-Proclaimed Neo-Conservative. They think that every people can manage their own life and prosper without the control of the State. Francis Ford Fukuyama, attached in soviets affairs under Reagan government published The End of The Story and The Last Man which says that only the globalization and the expansion of liberalism can promote universal peace. Its principle is that only one super State can govern the others.
The UNO, created in 1945, gather 194 countries, the united nation security council (5 permanents members: France, US, UK, Russia, China). To apply a resolution, 2/3 of the 194 countries have to agree it and then, the 5 permanents members have to also agree at the unanimity. They can apply political resolutions, unconstrained (non-contraignante) and constrained (contraignante) resolutions.
Course n°3:
Deuxième mission: pouvoir intervenir sur des théâtres d’opération sans impliquer son pays.
Third mission: protect civilians.
Fourth mission: protect the local authority.
Course n°4:
Cease-fire: cessez-le-feu.