Kuwait Position Paper
Compte Rendu : Kuwait Position Paper. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 14 Mai 2013 • 3 180 Mots (13 Pages) • 1 884 Vues
Delegation from Represented by
Kuwait Université de Sherbrooke
Position Paper for General Assembly Second Commitee
The topics before the General Assembly Second Committee are: the Impact of Climate Change on Sustainable Development; Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Development; and a Fair Globalization for All: The Effect of Job Creation on Sustained, Inclusive, and Equitable Economic Growth. Kuwait is dedicated to minimize the impact of climate change, collaborative multilateral approaches to encourage the development of information and communication technologies for development and advancement of sustainable development.
I. The Impact of Climate Change on Sustainable Development
Kuwait bears in mind that climate change is a complex problem, which, although environmental in nature, has consequences for all spheres of existence on our planet. It either impacts on-- or is impacted by-- global issues, including poverty, economic development, population growth, sustainable development and resource management. Considering that, since 1985, climate change has important repercussion on the State of Kuwait: seawater temperature in Kuwait Bay has increased on average 0.6°C per decade. This is about three times faster than the global average rate reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Thus, adaptation and regulation are key measures to be taken to mitigate the risks in the near future. In this regard, we also hope that the developed countries play a central role by leading the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and helping developing countries to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change following the Kyoto Protocol. Kuwait fulfills its obligations to Article 4.1 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by promoting and cooperating in the development, application and diffusion, including transfer of technologies, practicing and processing that control, reducing or preventing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol in all relevant sectors, including the energy transport, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management sectors. We have achieved other noteworthy accomplishments, just as the establishment of a number of breeding programs for rare animal species facing extinction, such as the Kuwait Society for the Protection of Animals and Their Habitat, and its establishment of cattle farms, laboratories and centers for grain technology, concerning the example of the Public Authority for Agriculture and Fisheries and the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research. Besides, believing in its international responsibility to contribute to the social and economic advancement of poor and developing countries, the State of Kuwait has set up many funds and specialized agencies to lend economic support to these countries. One such fund is The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, through which the country financed more than 600 development projects in different fields aimed at improving the standard of life for the people in developing countries. The funds contributions have reached over 12 billion US dollars. For Example, the State of Kuwait supports, by its contributions, the African Development Fund with 110 650 US dollars by 2013. Furthermore, it also contributes with the International Development Association with 120 316 US dollars in 2013. Then, we also contribute with the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development with 549 380 US dollars in 2013. Following the 2012 UNFCCC Doha summit, the State of Kuwait has made thoughtful sides in the rehabilitation of its oil and industrial installations. A new strategy has been adopted concerning the oil sector, based on scientific and economic grounds that aim to reduce emissions. It also sets mechanisms for improving energy, without prejudice to its fundamental interests and obligations in its development of clean industry, according to his Highness the Amir of the State of Kuwait. We believe on the importance of renewable energy sources. Deeply conscious of the diversification of its energy sources, Kuwait has established executive phases of an ambitious plan for using wind and solar energy aiming to raise the percentage of using this energy to 1% of the total energy usage in Kuwait in 2015, and up to 15% in 2030. Kuwait endorses the United Nations Environmental Program, not only because of its global aspect but because we fully believe on the necessity of a better quality of environment to reach sustainable development. The State of Kuwait urges Member States with their full cooperation on this program in order to improve general awareness and knowledge based on climate change issues for Member States, and, thus, plan and formulate environmental policies.
II. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Development
Bearing in mind that Kuwait is the fastest-growing Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) market in the Arab region and considering that it ranks third in Internet usage in this particular region, according to the 2009 Information Society Statistical Profile of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Kuwait endorses the Geneva Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action on promoting an information society between participating Member States. The promotion of the information society is based on the creation, utilization and sharing of information and knowledge in order to achieve people’s full potential though the development of information and communication technologies, as stated in the 2003 Declaration of Principles. The delegation of Kuwait urges Member States to carry out the recommendations of the Economic and Social Council for Western Asia (ESCWA) in the Regional Profile of the Information Society in Western Asia of 2011, with regard to the implementation of the E-government. Kuwait recognizes the influence of governments on functions and core business processes. According to the Regional Profile of the Information Society in Western Asia in 2011 of the ESCWA, the effective use of ICTs in public administration is essential to improve public-sector efficiency, transparency, accountability, while reducing costs within government administrations. Considering that Kuwait launched a regional annual campaign in 2008, the Sheikh Salem Al-Ali Al-Salem Al-Sabah competition, aiming to encourage its youth to create local content on the Internet, the campaign also tries to bridge the gap between Kuwait and developed Member States. The delegation of Kuwait emphasizes the application of ICTs in Business and commerce. Acknowledging