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Gawad Kalinga (document en anglais)

Rapports de Stage : Gawad Kalinga (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Novembre 2012  •  1 378 Mots (6 Pages)  •  879 Vues

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Séance 1 :

Introduction :

Antonio meloto

Theory + pratical = praxice

Give care

Gonald midhal : Asian drama

Eco structure - context


1% of the elite

More than an hundred language

More than an 7000 islands

Distance of 11 119 km


Spain-portugues , American, japan, dictatorship (20 years), “pain” housewife

The only contry catholic in asia and the most corrupt,

52% rate themselves as poor, 21,5% as hungry

Famous faculty:

Invention : yoyo, armalite, flourescente light

Causes of the poverty :

Corruption = monopoly (government, bureaucracy: have the power) + d + accountability

Globalization: gap between the North/rich and the South/poor

Because of the logic of capital – imperialism

Lack of Education – lack of access

Let’s not blame the victim

Governance – teaching WITH people as compared to teaching them; learning from/with them


Model of CCT: start in Latin America => conditional, cash, transfer.

Governance Reform Framework :

The MDGs : millenium development goals

• Eradicte extreme poverty and hunger

• Archieve universal primary education

• Promote gender equality and empower women

• Reduce child motality

• Improve maternal health

• Eradication of HIV, malaria and other diseases

• Ensure environmental sustainability

• Develop a global partnership for development


They have problem of connection, KKN: corruption, kelisyn, nepotsy

Unity in diversity

A perspective of Poverty

“[Poverty is the lack of capacity] to meet nutritional requirements to escape avoidable disease, to be sheltered, to be clothed, to travel and to be educated” Amartya Sen.

According to UN, Poverty is:

• Denial of choices and opportunities,

• A violation of human dignity…

Minimum Basic Needs: survival, security, enabling

What is Gawad Kalinga ?

• No grand master platform

• Poverty as a behavioral problem with economic consequences

• Its about being humble

• Presence on the ground

• Social entrepreneurial

• Poverty is a multi-faceted problem

• The root cause of the poerty is not a scarcity of resources but a deep and paintful lack of caring and sharing in our society

Séance 2

Government came because a lot of chaos, there is no order, people killed each other. Then people decided to elect a person to protect them : social contract.


• The role of government is reducing poverty – in certain cases however, government can be an obstacle in addressing poverty

• There are certain things (i.e. natural disasters) we have no control over – we can however, prepare for it.

• Issue on access (on basic services)


- Initial lessons

- The importance of context

- The importance of listening to the people : work for and with the people

- The tree swing pictures

Poverty was an issue since 1970 until today, so there is something wrong. When we give money for a country, government keeps it for them.

C.F. the tree swing pictures : we need to listen to the people. We should think of needs of the people and not what we want, keep thing simple.

The attitude: we should be humble.

MBO: management by objectives / MORE => MBWA: management by walking around

It should be a partnership between the three actors.

Social justice :

Social entrepreneur

The rich get richer, the poor should too. No one should be left behind.

In China, there is a thinking now, common wealth: “Getting rich together”. They need time.

In GK, the GVNT not lead the way, GK have challenge to lead the way.

“Just build it and they will come”

Development efforts may actually lead to underdevelopment, to unequal development or to mal-development. People can be victims of development. Just look at the poverty, injustice, corruption.

C.F. Group presentation : NAURU

Sustainable development


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