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Devoir 4 cned anglais

Étude de cas : Devoir 4 cned anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Mai 2021  •  Étude de cas  •  758 Mots (4 Pages)  •  711 Vues

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Références du devoir

Matière : Libellé

Code de la matière : 4 caractères

N° du devoir 4 : 1 à x

(tel qu’il figure dans le fascicule devoirs)

Pour les devoirs de langues étrangères,
obligatoirement   LVA,  

Vos coordonnées

Indicatif : Exemple 2208000015

Nom : ROSE

Prénom : Floriane

Ville de résidence : SAINT SAUVES D’AUVERGNE

   Pays (si vous ne résidez pas en France) : France

Saisir les différentes informations demandées puis commencez à saisir
votre devoir en page 2.

Nom du professeur correcteur :

Note :

Observations générales du correcteur :


Document A : Compréhension écrite


a, On April 24, 2013, there was the collapse of the garment factory in Rana Plaza, which left 1,100 lifeless bodies, and 2,500 more with severe injuries.

b. The blog entry was written on April 24, 2018


c. It’s a particular day because it’s the 5 year anniversary of the collapse


a. Keira Jones characterizes our culture as a consumeristic culture.

"wanting more for less"

b. The four consequences of this are a demand for more clothes than ever before, the cheapest possible means of production, horrible working conditions in these factories, and depression and anxiety are at an all time high.


We fight for justice for our own countries, but ignore the blaring injustices in developing countries while indirectly supporting them.The gap between women in Western cultures and women in Bangladesh, Cambodia….even considering the difference in living expenses.


Some brands try to enforce safety regulations by hiring third-party auditing companies, but women are told not to talk or be honest about their real working conditions. Many factories subcontract to women who make the clothes at home. women's wages cannot be tracked as they will be working from home for minimum wage.

Document B : Compréhension orale


a, The western character has time to take the time for breakfast and to spend time in front of the tv, he goes to school, he takes the time to relax by playing, drawing, he has time to have a good night of sleep that the oriental character does not have.

b, At the end of the video, we find out that the western boy shoes are made in the factory where the eastern boy works.

c.This technique allows two different videos to be displayed on the same screen. For example: a stage on differents angles or in several places, example of a concert with artists all over the world during the first confinement.


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