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Commandes des armes à feu (document en anglais)

Commentaires Composés : Commandes des armes à feu (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Décembre 2013  •  770 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 069 Vues

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It is a well-known fact that Americans are allowed to bear arms, thanks to the second amendment, enshrined in the Constitution. Although, society has changed over time, and what was true in the past, no longer is in today’s society. Thus the right to bear arms has become a burning issue. Therefore, we may wonder to what extent the American Constitution should be altered in order to lower the number of school shooting and violent death.

First and foremost, the Right to bear arms is the second amendment of the Bill of Rights, enacted in 1789. That is to say this American right is part of the American history. It dates from when Americans used guns for self-protection against Indians, or to prevent foreigners from invading their country. Nowadays, Americans keep guns loaded on them to defend themselves, similarly they used to. To illustrate my point, think of a tiny-and-frail woman, she wouldn’t be really able to defend herself against a ripped and badass man. Nevertheless, if the woman owns a gun, she could feel safer and more confident ; thus she could defend herself if being attacked.

Moreover, in some cities, for lack of means, inhabitants can’t really count on the police to protect themselves. They have to own a deterrent against criminals, that is to say a gun. In other words, gun ownership can be seen as a check against tyranny. And no society can prevent individuals from protecting themselves or their relatives. That’s why Americans don’t want to see their right infringed. It has been part and parcel of American history for over two hundred years. In addition, to give another example, it exists some desert or wild territories where Americans still live and have to hunt to eat; therefore they need a gun. Last but not least, there is the NRA (National Rifle Association) which fights for the right to bear and arm. This lobby is really powerful, and the members are totally opposed gun controls. Consequently, it is a main hurdle for gun control proponents.

Despite the fact a part of the American population doesn’t want the American Constitution to be altered, the other is totally for and wants the school shooting and violent death to end.

Firstly, the right to bear arms is no longer considered as up-to-date, owing to the fact Americans don’t have to get ready in one minute to fight the invaders or settlers anymore. Individuals are supposed to be protected by the police and the territory by the army. Therefore Americans shouldn’t have a loaded gun on them or at home. Secondly, almost everybody who wants to purchase a gun is able to do it. The legal age limit to own a shotgun or a rifle is only of 18 ; but the fact is, young people can be totally irresponsible and cause damages. Furthermore, individuals ruled mentally incapacitated can also buy firearms and consequently accidentally wound other people. Besides, in 2010, about 6 500 people under the age of 25 died from gunshot wounds, and 207 were classified as unintentional shooting. Thus 207 people wouldn’t have died if there were more gun controls.

However, the main fact that shocked the US and queried the right to bear arms was the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting, where about 20 kindergartners were riddled by a psychopath. It wasn’t the first and may not be the last ; but who can stay insensible in front of little girls and boys murdered by a man? Take one minute and think of the parents, they’ve let their babies at


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