Les héros et l'honneur (document en anglais)
Analyse sectorielle : Les héros et l'honneur (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 18 Mai 2014 • Analyse sectorielle • 299 Mots (2 Pages) • 834 Vues
Heroes embody values such as honor. The definition of a hero is more extensive. Indeed a hero can be a fictional or a real person who marked the history or not. A myth is a fictional character to explain an event. Deals with theme like fame and tells the story of a hero.
In a first part I’ll talk about Lewis and Clark who were two American explores. They found a new trail to go west, toward Oregon. It was very difficult and dangerous. They met wild animal (bear, wolves). What they did was extraordinary. We saw a video which showed what movement Lewis and Clark started in the American society: many people started to go west to find new lands, settle new farms, commerce with the Indian trade furs etc. they were considered as heroes at the beginning of the ninetieth century, like astronauts in sixties!
Secondly, the conquest of the west is present in everyone’s imagination thanks to western films and TV series, to advertisement or TV commercial, to song and to literature. Everyone has heard of Billy the kid or Laura Ingalls.
Finally, I’ll talk about the reason why the Americans went west thanks to the painting by John Gast called “Spirit of the Frontier”. On the picture, we can see a goddess, she's holding books and a telegraph wire, she's wearing a white veil and she's floating in the air like a goddess. This picture represents the conquest of the west. This picture represents the belief that the American setters must expand throughout the continent. They believed that they had to bring civilization and know ledge to west.
To conclude, the history was marked by people who were defended the populations. They are today considered as a hero by all people. But they aren’t considers them like hero.