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The Devil's Delusion

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The Devil’s Delusion

A Discussion Guide

This discussion guide is designed to facilitate the use of David Berlinski’s book The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions in small groups, adult Sunday School classes, adult education seminars, and book discussion clubs. The guide contains brief summaries of each chapter followed by discussion questions for that chapter.

Permission is hereby granted to distribute and reproduce this guide in whole or in part for non-commercial educational use, provided that: (1) the original source is credited, and any copies display the web address for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture ( or FaithandEvolution.Org (; and (2) the copies are distributed free of charge.

John and Sonja West, October 2009

The Devil’s


A Discussion Guide


John and Sonja West

Seattle Discovery Institute Press 2009


This is a group discussion guide for David Berlinski’s book The Devil’s Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.

Copyright Notice

Copyright © 2009 by John and Sonja West. All Rights Reserved. Permission is hereby granted to distribute and reproduce this guide in whole or in part for non-commercial educational use, provided that: (1) the original source is credited, and any copies display the web address for Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture ( or FaithandEvolution.Org (; and (2) the copies are distributed free of charge.

Library Cataloging Data

The Devil’s Delusion, A Discussion Guide by John and Sonja West

47 pages, 6 x 9 inches, 229 x 152 mm.

BISAC Subject: REL067030 RELIGION/Christian Theology/Apologetics

BISAC Subject: REL004000 RELIGION/Atheism

BISAC Subject: SCI080000 SCIENCE/Essays

ISBN-13: 978-0-9790141-5-4 ISBN-10: 0-9790141-5-8 (paperback)

Publisher Information

Discovery Institute Press, Discovery Institute, 208 Columbia St., Seattle, WA 98104. Internet: http://www.

Published in the United States of America on acid-free paper.

First Edition, First Printing. October 2009.


Preface 7

Chapter 1

No Gods Before Me 9

Chapter 2

Nights of Doubt 11

Chapter 3

Horses Do Not Fly 17

Chapter 4

The Cause 21

Chapter 5

The Reason 25

Chapter 6

A Put-Up Job 27

Chapter 7

A Curious Proof that God Does Not Exist 31

Chapter 8

Our Inner Ape, a Darling, and the Human Mind 33

Chapter 9

Miracles in our Time 37

Chapter 10

The Cardinal and His Cathedral 43


1. Atheist writer Sam Harris says that his strongest critics are Christians “who are intolerant of criticism.” How does Berlinski respond to this claim?

2. Why did Berlinski write his book?

3. For whom did Berlinski write his book?

Personal Notes on the Preface

8 / The Devil’s Delusion, A Discussion Guide

Chapter 1

No Gods Before Me

Chapter Summary: In the past, most scientists described religion as a separate realm from science that science could neither endorse nor disprove. The contemporary rise of militant atheism is an attempt by atheists to claim that science and religion are in conflict, and that science proves that religion is false. They demand that science be recognized as the one system of belief that explains everything and therefore demands unqualified allegiance.

1. How has the stance of scientists toward religion changed in recent years according to Berlinski?

2. Berlinski quotes evolutionary biologist Massimo Pigliucci stating that science is “a much more humble enterprise than any religion or other ideology.”

(a) Does Berlinski agree? Why or why not?

(b) Who do you think is right? Why?

10 / The Devil’s Delusion, A Discussion Guide

Personal Notes on Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Nights of Doubt

Chapter Summary: Religious conviction plays an important role in human life. Atheists claim that religion produces evil and that secularism is making society better and better. The evidence doesn’t support that. The twentieth century has an extensive record of brutal secular regimes. Even atheists don’t try to claim that Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao or Pol Pot were religious leaders. Without God everything is permitted. And no one is willing to live with that.

1. Berlinski notes that ancient Arabs made major advances in our understanding of astronomy.

(a)What motivated these advances in astronomy?

(b) How does this example help answer the claim that if scientists have religious motives for their work, then their scientific discoveries and ideas are unscientific or illegitimate?

2. Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazâli (1058-1111) is one of Islam’s most influential philosophers.


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