Faut-il rêver (document en anglais)
Compte Rendu : Faut-il rêver (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 21 Mars 2014 • 1 174 Mots (5 Pages) • 890 Vues
Should we dream?
The dream is a psychic output during sleep and may be partially stored but the dream is also more or less ideal or unrealistic to achieve what we want. The dream can bring human beings to excel and accomplish feats, performing unexpected things, for example, a boxer who dreams of victory and finds the strength in this dream, to get up every round and surpass his opponent against whom he had no chance. All people, do not they seek to realize their dreams? But, some people find themselves trapped in their dreams, we can compare this with teenagers who live only through video games that immerse the player in a virtual world that mimics the real world and where it is easier to accept and achieve theirs desires. We can, thus, ask: What is the psychological function of dreams ? Is that we need to ? Is dreaming an essential function? Wouldn’t it be better to do without our dreams and confront more directly the real?
What is the function that can be attributed to the dream in our psychic life ? Is it necessary?
In the history, the dream has sometimes been regarded as a prescient message from the gods or fate addressed to people such as in the Ancient Greece, the gods spoke oracles in their sleep, sometimes as meaningless, as it is the case in the modern period, many dreams appear delusional. It was not until Freud and psychoanalysis. Freud believed that dreams were not trivial, they had a function and specific rules and that it is a manifestation of the unconscious of the individuals. Dreaming would be the realization of an unconscious desire. It would be a language of the unconscious, which, through its images would resurface, to consciousness, repressed conflicts.
In this sense, the dream is a natural necessity : it stands out as a production that can’t not be, as well as hair growth or vital body functions. The dream is universal, all the people dream, but all the people do not necessarily understand their dreams or fail to interpret them.
Indeed, if the dream is a language, it is a coded language that does not include the dreamer, and requires a specific technical to derive an understandable way and perhaps education. Various means are then available : the symbolic and the association of mind. The aim of psychoanalysis is to bring it to clear consciousness this " signified ", which is presented as an image in the dream. From this point of view, we must dream : it is the best window on the world of the unconscious, it often reflects what we dare not admit us. As a natural reality, the dream has no justification other than being. It is, therefore, necessary and useful if we consider that it can allow us to know ourselves better and at the same time to know the world and making it capable of knowing the truth which is the goal of all philosophy, the dream would be vital for the philosopher and for all the people, in search of truth.
However, the dream concept also refers more broadly to the idea of "fantasy production" or "ideal" , that would give us reasons to live and hope by giving us goals and objectives, for example, an athlete who could dream of beating the world record in its discipline , this dream, then, gives him a desire to excel and to achieve it and he will strive to achieve it, he will have a purpose in life.
This function of dreaming is a component of