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Writing about art

TD : Writing about art. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Octobre 2019  •  TD  •  431 Mots (2 Pages)  •  540 Vues

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ROUTE (Put on the Finnish shoes)


Let’s begin at the Cathedral of Turku, le monument le plus emblématique de la ville

The Turku Cathedral is considered to be Finland’s most valuable historical monument.


Enter the 19th century market hall and take the time to stroll through the small restaurants, cafes and stalls of all kinds. You will find all the Finnish gastronomic specialties: (smoked salmon, reindeer meat, chocolate, bread, cheese ...), there is something for everyone!


Now you are at the Turku main Library. Libraries are very popular in Finland, frequented by people of all ages; they are pleasant and great care is given to the interior design: choice of materials, lights, furniture… The Turku main library is so interesting: it combines modern and classic architecture. It is so user-friendly that most city residents have taken to it as their living room.

Café Art

You may not know it but Finland is the country of berries (blackberries, blueberries...), and it is quite simply impossible to leave Turku without having tasted the “mustikkapiirakka” the famous blueberry pie. Heading towards the riverbank, stop at Cafe Art, a Finnish café that serves this delicious pie (among others). While you are here, take the time to enjoy this typical Finnish atmosphere. It worth a try!


As soon as spring comes to the end, we find the inhabitants of Turku on the riverbanks: they meet friends to drink a beer under the sun, read a book on a bench, make a little jogging at the edge of water, have a drink on one of the many boats moored along the docks. In summer, the riverbanks become the real beating heart of the city. it is very nice to find this place teeming  again with inhabitants after the long months of winters.

Sauna/swimming pool

There is nothing more Finnish than sauna:

Il n’y a rien de plus finlandais que le sauna : c’est si vrai que bien des Finlandais pensent qu’il n’y a pas moyen d’entrer dans la compréhension de leur pays tant qu’on n’a pas passé une soirée dans un sauna.

Pour comprendre la Finlande et ses habitants, le mieux est de commencer par vous initier au sauna.

Partager un sauna avec quelqu’un revient à tisser des liens en abordant des sujets de conversation qu’on considère essentiels à un titre ou un autre, étant entendu qu’en aucun cas les conversations de sauna ne sont vues comme du simple “bavardage”. C’est si vrai que bien souvent, les grandes décisions économiques sont nées en Finlande sur les gradins des saunas et non pas dans les salles des conseils d’administration. Tout au long de l’Histoire,


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