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Mémoire de fin d'étude

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Par   •  9 Janvier 2020  •  Commentaire de texte  •  8 685 Mots (35 Pages)  •  738 Vues

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This report is the outcome of the internship that I have accomplished as part of academic requirements for all second year master degree of English for Communication students. I choose the Field of commerce because it is a backbone of the Tunisian economy, especially in these current circumstances. The internship had started in the second of February 2014 with the Ministry of Trade and Handicrafts. It had lasted 3 months since it came to an end on the 30th of April. The internship took place at the Ministry of Trade and exactly the department of Electronic Commerce and Digital Economy and the department of Economic and Commercial Cooperation .These two departments should work in collaboration for the Tunisian export promotion and the penetration of new markets, since E-Commerce presents the easiest and cheapest tool that can reach customers and businessmen from all over the word in a matter of seconds.  

So, the present work is divided into three main parts. The first section introduces the Ministry of Trade and Handicrafts and its main departments. In the second part, a clear description of my specific tasks and missions will be provided. The third part is the evaluative part of the report

I. Chapter One: General Presentation of the Ministry

This part deals with the Ministry’s general overview and missions, the different units and departments, mainly the department of Economic and Commercial Cooperation and the department of E-commerce  Development where the internship took place.

1.1. Overview

[pic 1]

The Ministry of Trade, known as the Ministry of Commerce and Handicrafts, is a Tunisian Ministry in charge of overall Trade and Handicrafts sectors inside and outside the country. It is located in Kheireddine Pacha Avenue 1002 Tunis.  It was created in 15 April 1956 just after the independence of Tunisia and was headed by Mr. Ferjani Bel Haj Ammar who belongs to the government of Habib Bourguiba. The current Minister is Najla Harrouch , appointed in the Government of Mehdi Jomaa, since 29 January. The Trade Minister is appointed by the president of the Tunisian Republic by the proposal of the Prime Minister . The minister leads the ministry and participates in the Ministers Council (parliament).

1.2. Missions

The Ministry of Trade and Handicraft’s mission is to develop and implement the government policy related to trade,  quality control,  legal metrology,  consumer defense, advertising ,  small businesses and services belonging to that sector, competition,  prices, economic surveys, export and import, economic and commercial cooperation and to electronic commerce. In other words, the Ministry of Trade and Handicraft’s missions can be summarized in these particular points:

  • The Ministry participates in the elaboration of the governmental economic policy.
  • It reviews all the issues that concern other ministries and that have an economic influence on the Tunisian country.
  • It has knowledge of all the issues related to the government policy that concern the Trade and Handicraft sectors.
  • It proposes the policy to be followed in the area of Trade and Handicrafts to the government.
  • It executes the policy of the government on the field of trade, quality, consumer defense, commercial urban planning, competition, prices and economic inspections.
  • It carries out directly or through attached institution the  projects  that have studied and that concern trade and Handicraft
  • It defines The qualitative and quantitative objectives to be achieved in the framework of the economic and social development plan for the areas that fall within its jurisdiction
  • It defines in collaboration with the ministries concerned the programs and projects to be carried out in the framework of the plan as well as the appropriate accompanying measures and submits them to the discretion of the government
  • It implements the decisions taken by the government that concern trade and handicraft sectors  either directly or  through public institutions  placed under its supervision
  • It follows and analyzes the national economic situation that concerns the ministry
  • It participates in the elaboration of the government policy with regard to administrative and economic reform in order  to ensure its implementation  at the level of institutions under its authority
  • It participates in the execution of national strategies for the development of trade

 1.3.OrganisationalStructure[pic 2]

1.3.1 Main Units

  • The Cabinet

Its role is to inform the Minister of the general activities of the Ministry, transmitting its directives and watching their execution, guarantying the coordination between the various bodies of the ministry, ensuring the relations with official organizations, national organizations and the press. This cabinet is headed by a chief of stuff assisted by representatives of mission and attached to the cabinet.

  • The Higher Committee

It is about a consultative body that concerns the development of plans, coordination of the various action plans, training policy and improvement of the executives and agents of the ministry.

  • The General Inspection        

The general inspection of the Trade Ministry is charged, under the authority of the minister, to check the administrative, technical and financial management of all services related to the ministry and organizations under their supervision.  It is mainly responsible of carrying out all missions or particular inspections tending to reduce cost and improve organizational management.  The members of the general inspection of the Ministry act under the terms of a mission order which is delivered to them by the Minister himself.

  • The Conference of Departments        

It constitutes a forum of reflection and information on the general actions of the Ministry and the general questions of interest. The Conference of Departments meets together by the call of the Minister, to examine the state of progress of the ministry’s work.

  •   The General Department of Common Services

It is in charge of streamlining the management of human resources and the common materials between all the departments of the Ministry, developing the use of the IT tools within its administration and its departments, supervising the elaboration and the implementation of the IT plan, study and monitor questions and files of legal character that are entrusted by the Minister. For this purpose, it includes:


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