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Dialogue english

Étude de cas : Dialogue english. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Avril 2020  •  Étude de cas  •  510 Mots (3 Pages)  •  498 Vues

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Final task : imagine a conversation between a civil rights movement activist and a black lives matter activist. They talk about the evolution of the place of African Americans in the American society from 1950’s to now.

In downtown New York, Emily, a young woman belonging to the Black Lives Matter movement meet  an old woman coming the other way. It's Avery, who belonged to the Civil Rights Movement. They debate of the changes in society between the 1950s and today.

“Hello” said Emily

“Hello, nice to meet you” answered Avery

“I saw you in a newspaper last week”


“Yes, it’s in the New York Times”

“Seriously my column is already come out, I haven’t seen the final result yet!”

“I really loved the section dedicated to you. The topic was so interesting.”

“Thanks a lot, I took a long time to do it but that be worthwhile”

“I heard you were part of the civil rights movement. Me, I am part of a movement called “Black Lives Matter” and I think that's why your article touched me so much.”

“What a coincidence! I follow all your actions on your social media”

“We have more than 700 000  followers on Instagram”        

“You make a very good job, you still protests against racism. Many people support this cause, It’s doesn’t happened since 1965, when I taking part of civil rights movement.”

“Of course, we come from a long legacy of your tenacious protests and struggles”

“But racism still exists!”

“There is still violence from white police against black people. These act the outbreak of many rebellions and riots. So, I think we have to raising awareness people to this cause. We need to make oneself heard. We must be rising up against unfairness. In addition, I think that the president should take an active role in police brutality issue”

“You are right. We have to fight for one’s rights, facing injustice no one need to be silent. And however, the government does not fully respect human rights. You have to react and take to the streets and fighting for our rights like my comrade and I we did before”

“Now we can use social networks or any other art form to make us heard. There is cinema with his many movies which sentence racism. For exemple there is “The Hate U Give” which talks about police brutality against a black man named Khalil. There are also many books like Invisible No More which mention about the same topic”

“Digital activism is different from real activism a hashtag does not replace real mobilization”

“I think the hashtag is mightier than a fight! We live in a society where social media is given more importance than real mobilization”

“It’s true, the era have changed”

“But sometime we need to do acts of rebellion like our predecessors. You remain our primary inspiration with The Panthers who educated and empowered a lot of people”

“Today, there are more people with us but there is still not 100% equality between whites and blacks”


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