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What is international marketing?

Cours : What is international marketing?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Mai 2017  •  Cours  •  341 Mots (2 Pages)  •  737 Vues

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What is International Marketing ?

Applying marketing principles to more than one country

You want to set up stores in new countries, what problems might you face?

• New competitors (women in the USA wear on average 6 pairs of shoes a year. The French wear 5 pairs per year)

• Legal implications ( McDonald’s made a competition in India, but India see competition as gambling )

• Infrastructure ( Depending the countries there is differences on the infrastructures)

• Cultural variation ( the OK sign can mean zero in Italian, money in japan, I’ll kill you in turkey)

• Distribution channels ( Japan has multi-layered distribution channels whereby your products may have to travel through FOUR wholesalers before they reach the store)

• Technology (different average spend per online customer)

• Economy (the economic crisis in 2008 had devastating effects on many European countries)

International Marketing Environment

What we can control:

- Product

- Price

- Place

- Promotion

What we cannot control

- Legal implications

- New competitors

- Infrastructure

- Distribution channels

- Technology

- Economy

How might we change our marketing mix to be a success internationally?

Product: adapt to the countries

Packaging (coca cola is the same) but you have to adapt what is written to the law, language, quality standards

Price: adapt to the economy of the countries (for example lower the prices)

Increase or decrease, competitor analysis, discounts and offers


Shop location, online ? , distribution channels,


TV or newspapers or online or offline ?, separate campaigns or worldwide campaign (as mcdonald’s “ I’m lovin it”



Characteristics that give a business an advantage

Attributes within an organisation

Financial resources, well-known brand name, economies of scales, lower costs, management talent, marketing skills, distribution, and staff.


Characteristics that give a business an disadvantage

Attributes within an organisation



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