Qu'est-ce que la gestion des connaissances ?
Lettre type : Qu'est-ce que la gestion des connaissances ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar samnail • 14 Avril 2014 • Lettre type • 1 021 Mots (5 Pages) • 1 020 Vues
What is Knowledge Management?
There are many definitions of Knowledge Management, but the one we prefer is the simplest - "Knowledge Management is the way you manage your organisation, when you understand the value of your knowledge". In other words, it is the management framework (of Roles and Accountabilities, Processes, Technologies and Governance) that you put in place to maximise the value and application of your knowledge, and which provide a managed approach to building, developing and retaining know-how, in service of business goals.
Knowledge Management is about systematically making use of the knowledge in the organization, and applying it to YOUR business problem; tapping into 'What your company knows' to help you deliver your business results. It consists of never making the same mistake once (let along twice), and making every decision in the light of the full knowledge base of the company. The management of knowledge needs to be part of your business practices, just like the management of finance and the management of safety.
Why should we implement Knowledge Management?
Knowledge is one of your key assets. Like your staff, your money, your customers, your brand. It is one of your more valuable assets too - just imagine how your organisation would perform if you had no knowledge, and your staff had no knowledge! It is good practice to manage your valuable assets. You almost certainly have implemented financial management, people management, customer relationship management, brand management. So it makes sound business sense to implement knowledge management too; to derive maximum business benefit from the invisible asset which is the operational knowledge held in the heads of your employees.
What are the benefits to my business?
In today's knowledge-intensive world, what matters is 'What you know, Using what you know, and How fast you can know something new'". There is no other sustainable business advantage, according to Larry Prusak of IBM. The value of Knowledge Management is delivered in three areas;
Better and faster decisions; by tapping into the experience of your Peers around the globe, you can avoid their pitfalls, apply their solutions, and make the right decision first time
A step change in productivity; by building a full knowledge of our own part of the business, we can reduce costs & minimize new resources to meet growth targets
New Products & Services; re-use of knowledge fuels innovation Knowledge management will reduce costs and time in the short term, and at the same time provide an inventory of experience & expertise for the future, allowing a flexible, fast-paced response to access activities
What are the benefits to me and my team?
Knowledge management can also eliminate the unlearning curve, so that knowledge can be accessed in ten years time, as fresh as it is today The majority of your business challenges will not be unique to your team. The chances are that someone, somewhere in your business, has already solved most of the problems you are facing. Why not access their knowledge via a Peer Assist? Bring it in at the planning stage (build a better plan) and at the operations phase (access the wider pool of experience). There is no longer