L'éducation doit être gratuite (document en anglais)
Cours : L'éducation doit être gratuite (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar cloe2007 • 15 Mai 2015 • Cours • 499 Mots (2 Pages) • 760 Vues
Education should be free
->Education is vital and maybe the source for hope in the future. Everyone needs education. People should not have to pay for education. If we didn't have education, we wouldn't be expressing our opinions in the first place. If we didn't have education, we wouldn't be able to even read what I just said. Not many people have a successful career in their lives, and if education is not free, they may not have the sufficient funds to help their children go to school. What this would mean is they may not get the skills they need for their future to find a job or even hope. Many people in Africa and other places which does not provide free education as a law, when asked, wished they had education. Not all countries have a good economy. If everyone had free education, maybe the world would be a better place...
-> Everybody should be able to have access to school :
create your opinion
there is the issue of equality of opportunity
->Otherwise, the world would essentially go nowhere, unable to make its geniuses work harder. Everybody can make progreses into this world
Everyone deserves to be educated. It's sad that intelligent people drop out because they can't afford to take another loan or because books got too expensive.
Education should be accessible to everyone.
->First, young people from poor families could be very smart. Making schooling available only for fortunate is not fair.
->culture et valeurs communes
Finally, nothing seems to be more beneficial to economy than intelligent nation.
->Research has generally shown that those countries that have a better educated population via university have higher levels of innovation and productivity
->If all students are required to pay, those on a low income may be dissuaded from attending, thus making it unfair. The reason for this is that they will likely not be able to secure financial support from their family so they will be concerned about the debts they will incur in the future.
The limits of free education :
->If we spend billions on free university education there is an opportunity cost of higher taxes or less spending elsewhere.
->In recent decades there has been a rapid rise in the number of graduates. But, many graduates are leaving university to take jobs which don’t require a degree.
->If people have to pay to go to university, you could argue that they would value the education more. If higher education is free, it may encourage students to take an easy three years of relaxation.
->Les élèves devraient payer pour l'éducation, sinon tout le monde peut aller à l'école, meme les gens qui ne sont pas motivés. Cela fait diminuer la qualité de l'éducation.
- Payer amène de la motivation aux élèves.