Pécha kucha
Étude de cas : Pécha kucha. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Marie Ng • 12 Décembre 2018 • Étude de cas • 733 Mots (3 Pages) • 529 Vues
What pushes a population of a Country to change their way to consume ?
Alice: For a lot of people Consuming is one of the most important things in life,it's usually a pleasure that in some cases turn into a problem basically we eat three times per day(breakfast, lunch and dinner).
- Lifestyle Marie
In different land the way to eat variates to a meal rich in vegetables and fiber product to a meal rich of chemicals and non-healthy products.
Actually the way that we consume represents how we are in the life. For example if you eat lot of vegetables you will show to people that you take care of yourself.
-Bio: it is a way of consuming way allows to people to eat safe products without chemicals or something non-naturals. It is controlled and you find it everywhere. Bio product are sell to a good price for farmer and for consumer.
- Vegan/vegetarian: it the new trend of alimentation, vegans doesn’t eat animals or everything which come from animals. This kind of consuming is an engagement in the animals causes and push people to a new kind of protestation.
- Environment Alice
In function of land, people are influenced by different facts that happen to be related to food,it happens to be the environment of a person, we will be able to see that according to its environment man is pushed to change consumption:
- the culture: in America, eat fat and oily it’s normal; in Europe people eat more healthy and variates products. So people who have to work in different places have to take the habits of this country. It push, to taste new flavor and have more cultural knowledge.
- The family/Origins: if you came from African family you may will changed your food habits and eat more African food and the same for Asian or Latin family. It’s a way to revendicate your link to your origins.
- Groups/friend: If you are in sport team or in a group of friend you must be encouraged to follow the same food habits. It can be a kind of integration to show your membership and your personality to this group.
- Social class: Marie
Social IS every where and it is divided in three parts : high class, middle and basement class. For buisness it allow to make the perfect strategy and for the consumer ? What they succed in this?
-Only high people can change their way of consuming at their desires and that just because they have a lot of money they can eat like carnivore and from now to another day they can be vegan.
-And people at the ground of social class have no many choices of consuming. They don’t have a lot of money and eating, for a lot of them is a gift. They can’t change their way to consume because it could be a financial risk for them.
-But when you came from basement to the top of social class, you have to change your way to consume because you have more money than before so you can be encouraged to take more expansive products.
- Health Alice
It is one of the most important reason of why people change their way to consume, because it is directly linked to the food and this is major factor that must be taken into account. The food causes many problems like :
-Diabetes: one of the first reason of why people change their consume habits, we found sugar everywhere and be a diabetic became easy. So lot of people take care to see the rate of sugar in their food. Here Bio can be a good solutions.