Anglais devoir 1 cned bts communication
Étude de cas : Anglais devoir 1 cned bts communication. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Ayronz Trvt • 22 Novembre 2020 • Étude de cas • 816 Mots (4 Pages) • 1 222 Vues
Question 1:
How have industries affected the environment? Industrial activities have a strong impact on the environment. Industries are responsible for collecting massive natural resources and flowing waste and substances that are more or less toxic and polluting in the environment. Contrary to what we think, the oil and chemical industries are not the only ones that polute, all companies are concerned. The overproduction of raw materials, energy, water, but also space used for the production or storage of their industry, have a disastrous impact on our environment. The intense consumption of natural resources by certain industries causes environmental problems such as deforestation, the extinction of animal or plant species and the extinction of the planet's resources. The industry does not allow time for the planet to regenerate and these industrial activities are one of the causes of global warming and climate change. Some companies know the importance that their implications for the protection and preservation of natural resources secure the longevity of their activities and their images to their clients.
Les activités industrielles ont un fort impact sur l'environnement. Les industries ont pour rôle de déverser des déchets et des substances plus ou moins toxiques et polluantes dans l’environnement et de collecter des ressources naturelles massives. Or, toutes les industries chimiques et pétrolières ne sont pas les seules à énormément polluer, toutes les entreprises sont conservées.
La surproduction de matières premières tel que l’eau, l’énergie ainsi que l'espace destiné pour le stockage de leur industrie ou la production, a un impact néfaste sur l’environnement.
La surconsommation de ressources naturelles entraîne des problèmes environnementaux tels que l'extinction d'espèces animales, la déforestation et extinction des ressources de la planète. L'industrie ne laisse pas la chance et le temps à la planète de se régénérer. De plus ces activités industrielles sont l'une des causes du changement climatique mais aussi du réchauffement climatique.
Il y’a des entreprises qui savent que le plus important est que leurs implications pour la protection des ressources naturelles garantissent la pérennité de leurs images à leurs clients et de leurs activités.
Question 2: Why must industries take the lead in solving environmental issues? And what must be done in order to reduce industrial pollution?
Some industries will have an environmental awareness that will push them to integrate in their strategy and in their functioning, solutions that will help them to adopt a sustainable development approach and put in place actions to minimize their environmental impact. Industries must give an example to their customers and their competitors, they will raise awareness and encourage their customers to adopt an ecological approach. With the new environmental regulations that are increasingly strict, with sanctions increasingly heavy for polluters, with the "polluter pays -, that is why industries must submit to the requirements of the new regulations. To reduce industrial pollution, an effort must be made by all, whether it be industries, managers, customers and users, because the overexploitation comes from the strong demand of the consumers which in recent years consume and waste hugely. It is necessary to consume differently, that is to consume less and better. There is an awareness of preserving the planet for future generations who will suffer from our mistakes.