Étude de l'entreprise Areva (document en anglais)
Dissertation : Étude de l'entreprise Areva (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar somango • 9 Avril 2013 • 490 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 001 Vues
Areva is a French industrial company specialized in the nuclear sector founded in 2001. It’s a multinational group with a commercial network in 100 countries and based in more than 43 countries. Its activities are linked to the nuclear power and energy: mining, chemistry, enrichment, combustibles, services, engineering, nuclear propulsion and reactors. In 2010, the Group decided to announce a major change to its organization of its nuclear and renewable operations and now its activities are divided by 4 major Business Groups: mining front end, reactors and services, back end and to finish renewable activities. The Group funds its leadership on four main stakes: visibility, pedagogy, dialogue and internal cohesion.
Moreover the important point to underline is the fact that Areva is a nuclear group and so always has to show that this sector does not represent a threat. It has to prove that it struggles against pollution, any dangers, and that Areva is involved in the sustainable development, huge stakes since 20 years ago now.
Concerning the potential clients and clients, they are mainly approached by adversiting, website, commercial demonstrations, newpapers, and annual reports to external sources. Areva has its own website with a specific link to communication for potential clients. They explain their values and what they implement for their communication: they put in place advertising supports which aim to develop the message of the company such has their last and famous TV advertising which aims to celebrate their 10 years old. This advertising looks like an animation movie, which comes back on the energy history. (Appendice 1). But of course this movie was criticized because we did not see the negative environmental impacts of the nuclear sector such as wastes, or any other deseases.
They also publish their annual report to be transparent and trustful concerning their financial statements and their Corporate Social Responsibility. Moreover, you can also register to receive the newsletter of Areva if you want to follow Areva news and important subjects concerning this company.
Moreover for the clients, and futures one, they publish in their website a field report where clients can discover the concrete examples of the benefits of their products ( Appendice 2).
Concerning the external communication, according to Jacques Emmanuel Saulnier, the Responsible of the Communiation Departement in Areva, the space buying reached 5 million euros in 2011, for the general press but also for the professional one more specialized such as L’Usine Nouvelle in France. (Appendice 3).
More than the advertising, Areva also uses and invests in another sector: the sport. For instance Areva spent more than 25 million euros to participate to the American Coup and to support the Frecnch sailing team. Areva also subsidise the athlétism since 2009. It produces movies and create sponsors to sport events such as the MEETING AREVA ( Appendice 4)
By the way, for instance Areva do not have a facebook page for instance and it is not really present on the social networks.