Wirtschaft Zusammenfassung BWL
Lettre type : Wirtschaft Zusammenfassung BWL. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar felicia.eser • 5 Janvier 2024 • Lettre type • 652 Mots (3 Pages) • 151 Vues
Would the gates shut behind her?
Or would they have the good will to let her back out?
Interpret: What gates, what do they open on? What is this about?
Its about the Gates of the church. She will steal her next book.
What is Hans Hubermann’s part in this?
He tells her that she should never disrespect the Führer in public. And he comforts her on the steps.
What or who are the Survivors? (p. 129) Why does she steal the books? How does her motive compare to the one when she stole her first book?
Three books are the survivors. Because she wants to read and she likes books. The first time she just keept the book to have a memory. This time she does it out of joy.
Interpret: A statue of the book thief
stood in the courtyard...
it is very rare, don’t you think
for a statue to
appear before its subject
has become famous?
Who is a witness to her stealing of the books? How can we readers know? (p.131)
The mayor wife had seen her.
“What does the thunderous ‘Of course’ of Hans mean? Cf. also how Liesl interprets it wrongly. What does Hans Hubermann do next? What could be the brilliant idea he was given by Liesl and the vision of his son?
When Liesel tells he him she stole an other book he answers o fcourse, with means your safe.
Interpret: “We’ll give him seven months. Then we come for him. And, oh, how we come” (p.139)
The? Warn Hans Huberman.
Explain the circumstances of Rudy’s “Do you want to run away together” (p.141)
Because Liesel ist sick of her mother and her job.
Interpret the “There was the suggestion of a draught from inside. Something like the imagined breath of a corpse.” (p.143)
There was a rumour that the mayour wife wasn’t alive, because she never says something.
What had Mrs Hermann been “waiting for” (p.144) after seeing the book thief at work?
She invaded her in and showed her the big library in her house.
What is your impression of the library and what do you think of the smile on the woman’s face that is like a bruise (Prellung, Quetschung, Bluterguss, p.147)?
Its very big. That she has to smile very often.
Why does Liesl go back after having left?
Because she likes books.
How does the narrator do the transition (Übergang) from one strand of action (Handlungsstrang) to another? (p.150)
With poems, to think about.
Interpret: Please – try not to look away.
What is so unbearable that we risk looking away?
How the Judes get threaten.
How does Max eat? How is it described?
He was very hungry, so very fast.
Who does he say “Please” to and what is he asking for? Can you make a link with Hans’ brilliant idea earlier on?
What are Hans Hubermann’s worries that make Liesl let him sleep rather than keep him awake? (p.155)
Who is/was Johann and how does Mrs Hermann (and the narrator) talk about him? Why are the windows in the library open?