Michael Jordan
Compte Rendu : Michael Jordan. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar sophiephoenix2 • 21 Mai 2015 • 597 Mots (3 Pages) • 723 Vues
We will study a character of the notion myths and heroes. Before starting we are going to define this notion, a hero is someone who has accomplished extraordinnaires facts.
the hero than we will present is michael jordan
Michael Jordan is a retired American basketball player. He played in the professional basketball league, the NBA.
However, why Michael Jordan is called hero?
First we are going to speak about his childhood, secondly his basketball career and to conclude we will see the titles he won:
Michael jeffrey jordan was born on 17 february 1963 in Brooklyn hospital in New york.
His parents, deloris and james have five children. Michael is the fourst.
A few years after his birth, the jordan family will stelte in Wilminghton it’s in the garden that Michael will lead basketballl aiganst his brother.
During his infancy, michael jordan is divided between two passions, basketball and baseball.
At 12, michael is one of the best players in the little league of baseball.
Then he plays quaterback of the junior american league of football and as playmaker in basketball.
At this time, Michael will have a place to replace at the regional basketball tournament.
So it’s a revelation, he decided to devote himself entirely to basketballl.
More in six months he takes ten centimeters.
Result, he is in the first high scool team. In 1980, michael annonced that he will go at the north california university.
This year, his university perfoms her best season with 27 wins.
He win his first trophy at this time, he shot the winning point of the universitary final of basket in 1982
In 1984, michael annonced his nomination has the NBA, so he ends his university studies with 101 games.
The NBA is the men’s proffesional basketball league, in north america and is widely considered to be the first league in the world
He is selected for the JO where he won the gold medal.
During his first year in the team he show his talent, he won three consecutive titles and the jo.
He retired of ground in 1993. He played a few months baseball, returns to the basketball courts, then retires in 1998.
But 5 years later, in 2002, aigainst all exceptations michael come back in Washinghton team and became the third best scorer in the world.
Finally, He takes is retirement at the end of the next season.
After his retirment of basketball, Michael Jordan open some restaurants like the « michael jordan’s restaurant » in chicago. In 2010, at 47 ans, ichael jordan become the first player to posess his own team, the bobcats.
In fact, Michael Jordan is called hero because he is considered