Cours D'anglais
Compte Rendu : Cours D'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar dissertation • 27 Mars 2014 • 755 Mots (4 Pages) • 879 Vues
An article about climate change
There are two persons: Emma who is eighteen, and Gloria who is fourteen. According to Emma, we must change. Gloria's opinion is that “we don't have strong rules”.
We must protect climate because, they cause hurricanes, natural disasters, damages to the poor.
According to Gloria, we have to change our attitude to solve the problem.
To point out : to remark
overseas: a territory that is across the sea. Example: Guadaloupe.
A drought: when the land is very very dry.
Diet: the way you eat.
A hurricane: a big tornado
to be aware of: to be conscious of
Gloria's problem: Gloria pointed out that people will not (or won't) have a large selection of oversea food like bananas, coffee, passion fruits, or coconuts because they don't grow in our European countries. Pollution will change our diet.
The future: WILL + Base verbale (infinitif sans to)
negation : WILL + NOT + base verbale.
Or won't.
Paul P. agrees with Gloria and Emma. He thinks we have to preserve the planet. Marie shares this opinion. According to Paul, we should not need rules because we have to help the planet naturally.
Kassandre disagrees with Gloria and Emma: she thinks their opinion is excessive.
Loic is optimistic about the planet because technology will change global warming. Florent disagrees: he's pessimistic. The mentalities will not change. To Loic's mind, people will change because their health will be in danger.
The earth from Space
The canadian astronaut went to space 3 times and he thinks about desertification, deforestation caused by humans. In the astronaut's opinion, man is doing damage. The astronaut was concerned (worried).
Correction de l'évaluation et point de grammaire sur le conditionnel.
If + sujet + preterit modal ; Sujet + would + base verbal.
If I was a rich boy/girl, I would …
Money and sport:
Inequalities of salaries
The topic was athletes's salaries. Athletes are overpaid. We need more doctors, policemen and teachers than sportsmen. Indeed, doctors are more important than stars but they win/earn 10 times less than athletes.
A Promising Soccer Player
The main character is Lee Jones, she is a young girl and she is a soccer player. Last year, she had been cut from her team (rejected from her team) but this year she is the one of the lucky twenty of have been selected. She has never felt better and she feels lucky.