Commentaire D'article: Redbull (en Anglais)
Dissertations Gratuits : Commentaire D'article: Redbull (en Anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar julie.s • 13 Mars 2013 • 247 Mots (1 Pages) • 1 262 Vues
How Red Bull Creates Brand Buzz
It’s an article written by David Aaker, a consultant and author on marketing. This article has been published in December 21, 2012 on Harvard Business Review, an American review, edited by Harvard Business School.
To differentiate the brand from the competition, Redbull adopt an innovative marketing strategy, which allows her to create an image nonconformist, underground, a kind of urban legend.
In fact, RedBull communicates principally through sports sponsorship. This brand has now become THE sponsor for extreme sports.
The brand is present in all extreme sports events around the world. She has even contributed to the creation of new extreme sports events, the Flugtag, for example.
Those sports combine perfectly with the brand: speed, self-transcendence and thrills.
The company is also present in more traditional sports to the significant potential of visibility: New York Red Bulls (football)
Red Bull uses viral marketing to create a strong image and stand out from the competition. Viral marketing consist to use the consumer himself as a vector for the spread of the message, sent by the brand. Initiated on the web and social networks, this technique perfectly targets youth, consumers covered by the brand.
To align with the offer by the competition, RebBull declines his product in other flavours: cranberry, lime, and blueberry.
In his new flavours, the brand wants to convey authentic values as she does in the events she created.
On a highly competitive market, Red Bull has become known worldwide through innovative communications strategy in the world of food.