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Cas de Defqon 1 (document en anglais)

Étude de cas : Cas de Defqon 1 (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Février 2013  •  Étude de cas  •  391 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 317 Vues

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Defqon 1

Defqon 1 is a Dutch festival create in 2003 which organized by Q-Dance. It takes place once a year. Until 2011, the festival spent on the beach of Almere Strand, but fault of place it was moved to Walibi World, near of Amsterdam. It is exported and goes to Australia as in 2009. For This year, the festival takes place in 2 countries (Australia and Netherlands) it took place in June in Netherlands and at the end August in Australia.

The price of the place for the totality of the festival is 140€ and just for the Saturday is 70€.

Defqon 1 is considered by the electronics music lovers (approximately 40000 on the festival) as the major outdoor every year.

The festival proposes several music kinds electronics as Hardstyle, Hardcore, Jumpstyle, Early, Trance, etc…

Defqon 1 includes the best DJs of the world as Brennan Hart, Wildstylez, Ran-D, etc… In all, more than 150 DJs will go in the stage

The symbol of Defqon 1 is that one. It changes color according to the music styles (red for the Hardstyle, Black for the Hardcore, orange for the Hardtrance).

The decorations of stages change every year following the theme of the year.

Every year, Q-Dance propose lots of attractions for the public as jet pack, bungee jumping, fireworks, lighting effets as we will see in the video.

II- La line-up Defqon 1

Le line up is divised into several parts:

- "Pre-party" the thursday In the evening from 8 pm until 1 am in the morning, for those who participate in the campsite

- "Festival Day 1" the Friday all day, from 11am until 23pm !

- Friday Night, Friday night from 23pm until 04am in the evening, For those who never have it enough..

III- Why I have choose this subject

I chose this subject because I adore the éléctroniques musics in particular Hardstyle. My favorite DJs are Noisecontrollers rand Wildstylez and Brenna Hart. One day maybe next year I shall go to this festival with my friends or then to the festival of Tommoroland which is the almost similar. But I prefer all the same to go to Defqon 1.

Defqon 1 fact left of the biggest festival of the World(Monde) at the level in spite of the festival is not specially known and in spite of he proposes only electronic musics.

We go to see a video which represents the festival.


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