Peaky Blinders
Résumé : Peaky Blinders. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar matthieu ll • 21 Janvier 2023 • Résumé • 312 Mots (2 Pages) • 362 Vues
It is entitled Peaky Blinder, it’s an American TV show aired on Netflix and iplayer, this tv show has 6 seasons and it’s finish with the final seasons witch was released a few month ago in June, 2022. it was directed and created by Steven Knight a British creator and producer of film. The principal actors are :
-Cillan murphy (who plays Thomas Shelby)
-Paul Anderson (who plays Arthur Shelby)
-Sophie Rundle(who plays )
It stars in 1919 after WW1, the Shelby family a powerful family in Birmingham and want to build an economic empire in horse races and illegal bookmaker. But a police inspector, The Major Campell arrived from London to investigate on a weapons’ robbery. The inspector starts his investigation and describe with the help of a spy Grace who is very close than Thomas Shelby because she is waitress in a pub of the Shelby family. She tries to seduce Thomas because he his the only one who knows where the guns are. There will be a series of dialogue between the Inspector and the family. Finally, Grace describes the place where the weapons are in a false grave in the cemetery of the town. But the spy fall in love of Thomas and he loved him too but the inspector loved also Grace and he asks her to marry him but she refuses. At the end of season one Thomas describes the truth about Grace so he tells her to leave because when he is furious, he can do horrible thing, and he can’t live with her anymore. The major Campell tries to kill Grace because he knows about Thomas and her but he failed and Grace shoots in his leg;