Étude du roman L'Apprentissage de Duddy Kravitz (document en anglais)
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Étude du roman L'Apprentissage de Duddy Kravitz (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar derekmockler30 • 7 Novembre 2014 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 1 039 Mots (5 Pages) • 748 Vues
Derek Mockler
Miss Filion
October 21st 2014
According to dictionary.com, condemn means “To express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure.” In The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, Duddy is always in trouble which is the result of his unwise decisions. Some of Duddy’s bad decisions are his problems with gambling, his adventures with his so called friend Milty, he is only focused on getting his land and always trying to get more money. Also, he is not the nicest friend in his gang, he pressures his friends to do actions they are not supposed to do and he does not treats them nicely. Duddy Kravitz should be condemned because he is mean, he is too attached to material and he is a bad influence to his friends.
First of all, Duddy is too attached to material. For example, Duddy is too attached to money. “There’s nothing that little fiend wouldn’t do for a dollar”.(Richler, pg 77) After selling the pinball machine Virgil got him, he does not want to give a single penny to him. He wants to keep all the money the pinball machine got him by selling it. This explains that Duddy is greedy. Also, Duddy is a gambler. When Duddy was working at the hotel, he and his co-workers played a game of roulette and Duddy wanted to be a show off and put all his cash in the game. He ended up losing the game and all his money. Duddy wanted to get more money, but he didn't end up getting what he wanted. He is too greedy. Duddy also lies to get more money. After the roulette game, his co-workers felt bad for him and gave him back his money. But some other guys did not know he got back his money, so they all gave him money. Duddy ended up making twice the money he had at the beginning.
Second of all, Duddy is mean because he does not treat his teacher Mr. Macpherson nicely. Throughout class time, Duddy is always making bad comments about Macpherson and making fun of him. Some of Duddy’s comments are regarding Macpherson’s problems with alcohol and his wife. Macpherson’s wife is really sick and is forced to stay in bed because she is not able to do any kind of exercise like walking. She can barely walk. “”You killed my wife”. Duddy put up his fists. ”Why don’t you have another drink, eh, ? You should be locked up, that’s what. You have no right to be with children”. “You murdered her, you filthy street arab””.(pg.40) This quote explains how the relationship between Duddy and Macpherson is not the best. Macpherson thinks Duddy killed his wife but Duddy begs the differ. What really happened was that Duddy tried to prank call Macpherson but he was not home, so his wife had to pick up the phone. But Macpherson’s wife is sick and weak so she had troubles picking up the phone and with that, she collapsed and died. Duddy is unwillingly responsible for the death of Macpherson’s wife. Also, Duddy is not very friendly. He tricks his friend Milty into drinking a disgusting substance to make him believe he will become a warrior. “”Jeez. This is terrible. I made a terrible mistake.’ ‘What is it?’ ‘The wrong recipe. Jeez.’ ‘But I drank it. You said if I drank it I could become a warrior. You swore to God, Duddy.’” (pg 50) The drink Duddy made for Milty was made