Synthèse (document en anglais)
Documents Gratuits : Synthèse (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar meriemdahmani • 10 Décembre 2014 • 574 Mots (3 Pages) • 951 Vues
Synthesis of the documents :
We have got three documents : a video : « Goldman Sachs rules the world », a song : «Masters of war» Bob Dylan and finally a photomontage : « Banks regulate congress ». These three documents talks about the same theme which is leverage of that money has on the masters.
This video is an interview on BBCnews (american chain) of Alessio Rastani, who is an american trader.
A journalist asks him how the citizens can survive to the market crack, he answers that First, he doesn't care about the crash of the market because the traders like him earns money thanks to economis crises. Secondly, He explains the technic of the traders is to buy actions when they are inexpensives at the crise.
And then, they sell back much more expensives after the crise. But he pretended to be a good man because he wants to help the people by telling them to protect their assets.
Alessio Rastani said : « The governement doesn't rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world » Goldman sachs is the biggest society of economic investments of the world, they are the one who benefits of this crise. So they are the smart money, and so money rule the world.
But this trader is prankster because he don't really explain how keep safe your money. He just say that every body cana ct like a trader. And he only warns that a future crack is gonna come.
Like for the Goldman Sachs, the song of Bob Dylan denounces the acts of the masters of war. Indeed, he talks about their bad actions.
This rich people who don't fight, just because they are full of money and might send masses of innocent soldiers who died by millions, and they don't care about them. The singer adress to this leaders and asks them «Is your money that good will it buy your forgiveness ?». He means that they kill too much people in order to win the war and so they loose their souls.
The last document is a picture with a sentence : « Congress doesn’t regulate banks, banks regulate congress ». So, as the others, this picture demounce a behavior and that’s again the rich people who are referred. Because the sentence is tacking about the « congress » (where the scene takes place) it was say by Bernie Sanders (he is a politizian, a senator), this man is fighting to end the inequality beetween the Elite (the rich : 2% of the americans) and the poor (th citizen : 98%). Also, in lower right side of the picture there’s the name of an organisation « the other 98% » tha supports the senator. So they explain that the Congress doen’t help the citizen, but he act just for money because they belong to the Elite.
Well, thanks to these document we can see how money rule the word. When there’s a crack instead of be sorry, the traders (who are looking for money like Alessio Rastani) just make money from the problem of the nation. An other exemple, when there’s a war, the generals don’t care about the soldier’s life, they give all the money they can to win. Finally, even if there’s some people like Bernie Sanders or « the other 98% » who fight for delete inequality beteween rich and poor, the Elite of America still corrupt and act only to get money. Money rule the world only because