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Synthèse Anglais Mythes Et Heros

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Par   •  13 Mai 2015  •  371 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 398 Vues

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I will talk about the subject myth and heroes. At first don't confuse a myth and a hero. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his courage or his outstanding achievement. 

During we have studied this notion, we have worked with several documents whose I could two major axis.

The first and the most famous myth that are pushing people to immigrate is the well-known American Dream. Immigrants are attracted to a land where job opportunities and better living conditions seemed to be available to anyone. In fact, the United States can be seen as a promise land where everything is possible.

The United States are also a land of immigrants, who have been group together in communities from then on the importance of the notion of community and ethnic group in the representation of the American society.

The song American Land by Bruce Springsteen may be about the American Dream, and how hard you have to work when you immigrate to America to fulfill your dreams. It might be about the possibilities available to make money and to make this land your new home.

Andrew Carnegie who was a Scottish immigrant in the USA, became the richest man in the world. He was nickname “prince of peace” because donated money for the education. He was determined, ambitious and confident in the americain dream. These qualities are the one of a hero. Even if the image of Scottish who is stingy, he was even though a philantropist but he was generous.

He became very famous at the time, had human values very important as pronoted peace in the world. He embodies the myth of the self-made man.

To conclude Americans don't hide the past successes of the American dream, but they agree to say that today it's almost impossible. But, the United States remains an attractive country. Even today, many people dream to visiting this country for their cultures, their food or for the most adventurous try to achieve the American dream. For me this is just a dream because it's to difficult to realize it.


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