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Pride And Prejudice Plot

Note de Recherches : Pride And Prejudice Plot. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mai 2013  •  505 Mots (3 Pages)  •  901 Vues

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The most important events start with the arrival of Mr. Bingley accompanied with his sister and his aristocratic friend Mr. Darcy and them buying the Netherfields house. Mrs. Bennet wanted to marry one of her daughters to this wealthy man because it was very important at that time for young women of a certain class to marry well, since they had no money or property of their own and were completely dependent on their fathers first and then on their husbands and Mr. Collins, who is generally idiotic clergyman, is the one who stands to inherit Mr. Bennet’s property not his daughters. At the first ball dance in the town, Bingley met Jane and an attachment starts between them. Also Darcy and Elizabeth had met in the ball dance and Darcy insulted her because he was too proud of himself that he ignores locals who are beneath his social class. Few days after, Jane visited Bingley and had to stay in his house because she got ill, so, Elizabeth went to visit her to make sure she is ok. During this visit Darcy falls in love with her but he didn’t show her his feelings. After both sisters return home Mr. Collins came to a visit and he had proposed to Elizabeth but she rejected him so he proposed to marry Charlotte, who is Elizabeth friend, and he moved with her to another town. After a while, Bingley and Darcy left to London getting away from Jane but she followed them there and stayed at The Gardiners, who are Mrs Bennet brother and his wife who care a lot about the five sisters. After the marriage of her best friend Charlotte, Elizabeth pays her a visit and she had to diner at Lady Catherine house where she met Darcy and his friend Fitzwilliam who told her about the interference of Darcy in Bingley relationship with Jane, that pushed Elizabeth to reject his proposal of marriage although she liked him but she couldn’t get over his insults to her family because he thought they are inferior to him. A while after this rejection, Darcy wrote her a letter telling her that what she heard about him from Wickham, a soldier in military with whom Lydia Bennet runs off and marry later in the novel thanks to Darcy, what Wickham said are just lies. So, she realized the truth about Darcy. Later on and after the announcement of the marriage of Lydia and Wickham, Bingley returns to Netherfield and Darcy confesses to Bingley about his interference with Jane. So, Bingley proposed to her and they became engaged although his sister refused to make him marry one of the middle social classes. After some rumors were released about Elizabeth relationship with Darcy, Lady Catherine visited the Bennet’s and insulted Elizabeth and told her that he would marry her daughter, but Darcy ignored his aunt interfering in his life and proposed to Elizabeth who accepted his proposal and got over her pride and prejudice. Finally, both couples had married.


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