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Myths And Heroes

Dissertations Gratuits : Myths And Heroes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Avril 2015  •  909 Mots (4 Pages)  •  878 Vues

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There are myths and heroes in every society . They change as our culture changes, from one generation to the next, from one decade to the next. And one aspect of myths and heroes, that cannot be denied is that every society has its own form of myths and heroes, and interestingly, often these different myths and heroes are re-tellings of central archetypal stories that are changed slightly to fit different cultures and experiences. Thus,our modern society has its own myths and possesses its own heroes. This statement leads as to wonder what are the major similitudes and differences between ancient and modern myths and heroes ?

On the one hand,the sheer richness and resonance we find in the modern superheroes such as - the darkness of Batman, the sensitivity of Spiderman, the purity of Superman - resembles the richness of interpretation and portrayal that has made the ancient myths survive into modern times. You can even draw direct parallels between the modern heroes and the ancient heroes and gods. Mother Teresa as the goddess of compassion, Albert Einstein as the god of the intellect and the imagination, and Bill Gates as the god of commerce. The point is, these modern myths do resemble true myths - they have taken on the endurance of the great legends. What does this say about modern culture? Probably that it is far more in touch with its ancient, primal roots that either fans or detractors of modernity tend to admit.

On the other hand, the heroes of our society are different from our ancestors’s heroes and myths. Some of the stories we tell our children are filled with the perfect man or woman like the ancient heroes, but everyone knows they are made up to prove a point. In days of yore,they believed their stories as history even as adults. The heroes of our nation that we learn of today are spoke off in order to teach us of our heritage and to show us that anyone can do anything if they want or feel morally obligated to do. The heroes of antiquity did heroic feats because they wanted the glory that came with it, while the modern heroes pursued their feats mainly because of moral beliefs, they felt it was the right thing to do even when other stood by the wayside and watched.

Hence ,the world has changed in the past few thousand years, and so consequently has heroism. Mankind needs heroes and, though the heroes of modernity are not the heroes of antiquity, they may be the very heroes we need. Today there are differences in the understanding of the fabric of reality, but the principle retained is that good should overcome evil. People still uphold heroes to idealized standards, though the standards are not the same, nor as high. In deed, there are many aspects of the world that were central to people’s lives during ancient times that are simply irrelevant today. There are also aspects of the world today that were not issues during ancient times.

Nowadays, heroes are not only defined as men or women who are characterized by their bravery, or physical strength.They are also considered as myths and heroes because they have had cultural influence. In this category, we can talk about Steve Jobs. He became a real hero even a myth at times. He reflected on and emphasised change. Steve Jobs had an ordinary life story but he was a genius. He overcame a lot of hardships, he was as vulnerable as other people but he is considered a hero because to make it to the top he was a hard-worker. Today he


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