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Myths And Heroes

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Par   •  28 Mai 2014  •  359 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 577 Vues

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Notion Myth and Heros

Textes donnés :

- Educating Rita

- Barack Obama’s speech

- McBeth

- Ned’s dialogue

- JK Rowlling speach

Introduction :

The notion i’m gonna deal with is the following notion which is Myths and Heroes. First of all, I will give you a simple definition of what a myth is and what a Hero is. A myth is a story about a hero or a superhero who had known an unusual childhood, then, a myth is known by everyone and the end is very sad or very happy. A hero is a fictitious person, divine and who’s got an unusual destiny. In Greece, a Hero is the son of a God and a human woman. So I gave you a simple definition of what is a Hero and what is a myth but opinions differ. We will ask ourselves about “How can dreams and myth give us motivation to suceed ?"

A/ Dreams make you want to achieve them

- When a dream haunts your thoughts, you are very motivated to do whatever you can do to make it real

- For Rita in "Educating Rita", the woman is obssessed by her dream to talk like a real English

- Barack Obama has the dream to change the society : hero of the modern times. (short presentation of him, he is the hero of his nation so his reign is his myth. Inspired himself by Martin Luther King ---> I have a dream

B/ Myths could be the reflect of how do you want to live

- Myth could give you some things you never had before, like virtues throught the myth of the Odyssey for exemple

- Myths are fundamentals of life, they are taught from childhood and they make a part of your education

- Things based on fakes thigs (like in Ned’s dialogue) false things are not necessarily useless because they have morals

Conculusion :

We’ve seen throught this exemples and documents “How can myth and heros give us motivation to succeed”. Indeed, myths and dreams are very importants in life because they teach us so many values and knowledge, then all theses things make us better and make us reach our objectives


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