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Mythes And Heroes

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Par   •  10 Mai 2015  •  654 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 029 Vues

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The notion I'm going to deal with is the myths and heroes. To begin with, I'd like to give a definition of these notions.

A myth can be a popular belief, or a tradition which embodies the ideals of a society. It also can be, an ancient story about gods, heroes and magic.

A hero is a person admired for his achievements, noble qualities or his great courage. Most of the time, this is the main character of a story in a novel or a movie.

In relation to the notions, the subject of my presentation will be builders and titans. By analyzing the terms, myth and hero, we will try to answer the following question: Can I.T icons be considered modern heroes?

To illustrate this notion, I have chosen two documents. Nous verrons qu'à travers these two documents, icons can be considered as modern heroes.


First of all, the first document that I'd would like to present is a speech by Steve Jobs, in 2005 (two thousand and five), in Stanford which is a university.

Steve Jobs, was the founder and the boss of Apple. Moreover, in his speech, he talked about his life as a student. He tells that he decided to drop out of college after only six months. He wasn't interested in what was taught and didn't want to spend the money of his parents who had been saved. He also spoke about his personal life and the fact that he was an adopted child. But also, in this document, he evoked the creation of Apple and how he started to develop new products, such as Ipods or MousePad, etc...

Steve's life and career exemplify an American model of work. He started from scratch and he reached the top. He could be considered as a self-made man for he didn't need the money of his parents to succeed. He only relied on his strength and courage. In the end,he became eventually famous for what he did.

As regards Steve,in my opinion, he paved the way for young people who wanted to follow his example. What's more,he didn't work so well at school but succeeded in his professional life. But finally, he became one of richest mans in the world thanks to his hard work.


Secondly, I studied an article which was written by Bill Gates and published in the Times in 2009 (two thansand and nine).

Bill Gates writes about Jeff Bezos who is the creator of The later is a famous world wide compagny. Moreover, Jeff was trader in wall street before, being successful. And, he's an example of the entrepreneurs in business and technology based in Seattle. The goal of Bill Gates in the article is to show that Amazon is everywhere. There is no frontier to the e-business

The way I see it, Bill Gates and Jeff have things in common. On one hand, they are both pionners in I.T which means information technology. And, on other hand, the both created. On other hand, they both created their own successful compagny thanks to ambition, skills and visions.


On the whole, according to me, these documents illustrate perfectly well the notion of the myths and heroes. Indeed, Steve and Jeff could be considered as news kinds of modern heroes. They became famous for their innovative creations and technology which are known all over the world.



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