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Is the USA still the land of plenty?

Fiche de lecture : Is the USA still the land of plenty?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Novembre 2020  •  Fiche de lecture  •  464 Mots (2 Pages)  •  576 Vues

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English Homework

Is the USA still the land of plenty?

Does the American dream still exist?

According to my, the USA is still the land of plenty the terms to achieve it and the historical regard put on it has only evolved. The American wealth was built on an immigration story (history sometimes seems to repeat itself). When the first pilgrims' fathers fled England for political-religion reasons. They then survived thanks to the native who helped them get better at basic tasks such as harvesting crops and hunting. Later on the ages those same Natives who helped the now so-called Americans were hunted by the one they once stood for. In their inevitable quest of power Americans slaughtered those who stood in their way including their allies. Nowadays, the USA are now the first country in the world. They by consequence have a ton of wealth and food to share but those who know history will keep in mind that even though they are what they are now we don't have to forget where they started and who they grew with. American history is deeply rooted in the history of immigration.

The American Dream was born at a certain time, wartime to be precise, where most European people back in 1943 was in a deep crisis and the USA implied themselves as THE country of freedom by spreading through different ways and manners, four of the basics freedom (Speech, from want, from fear, to worship), particularly in painting, were Norman Rockwell excelled. After the second world war, a lot of people left their homeland to go to the USA in hope of a better future for themselves and their heir. and truly a lot of people succeeded in American soil such as Steve Jobs for example. But nowadays, the American dream is no more at least not entirely, for example, the case of Fang Yi Sheu who left Taiwan to fulfil her Dance dream on the international stage; she fulfilled it but never felt right at home in the USA, she is homesick a proof that America can not replace such thing as a family or a memory. So sure you can succeed in the USA but it comes at a certain cost. I would say that the American dream has changed it is no more a dream it is a kind of reward for those who dare to try the American system. The-Dream has been replaced with a harsh reality of facts.

To conclude I would say that the historical exchange has made the identity of the USA and is still doing it. On these days a lot of people still believe in the American dream. The shelter of hope has hardened itself but it is still here and only through hard work will the foreigners reach it.


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