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Est-ce que le tourisme est une bonne solution pour les pays pauvres ? - en anglais

Commentaires Composés : Est-ce que le tourisme est une bonne solution pour les pays pauvres ? - en anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Avril 2013  •  341 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 256 Vues

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Is tourism a good solution for the poorest countries?

The prospect of tourism growth in developing countries, where high levels of poverty exists has created enormous attention and interest in tourism as a tool for poverty alleviation. Nowadays questions on tourism contributions persist.

Is tourism a good solution for the poorest countries?

Firstly tourism seems to develop the economy of the poorest countries. Nevertheless this activity is not sufficient to allow the poorest countries to become developing countries.

On the one hand tourism seems to be a good solution for the poorest countries. First tourism enables rapid economic development in the poorest countries, especially in the tertiary sector. This activity can also create new jobs. Indeed, tourism creates jobs in the areas of catering, hospitality ... It also allows input technology, technology development to meet the tourists, such as internet access in hotels in the poorest countries, where the population of these countries do not have access to these technologies. Perhaps, it opens the poorest countries to foreign cultures in the world.. The tourism activity also enables the poorest countries to develop its infrastructure (roads, health ...).

While promoting the development of the poorest countries, tourism does not seem sufficient to reduce poverty and difficult standard of living in these countries.

On the other hand tourism does not seem sufficient to allow the poorest countries to develop.

Indeed, this activity creates pollution in less developed countries. In addition, during holiday periods, there is in these countries, because of tourism overcrowding. Furthermore, the cultural and social impacts of tourism growth in local communities need to be monitored and managed with caution as it can cause much environmental, socio-economic and cultural damage. Tourism development also leads to environmental degradation. There is then a change of scenery; small villages are destroyed in favor of large industrial and commercial cities.

To conclude, tourism does not seem to be sufficient for the development of the poorest countries.Tourism itself may bring immediate economic benefits to the poor, but it does not necessarily offer a longer-term solution to the challenge of poverty.


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