Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame Haadrawi, « afku siran »
Commentaire de texte : Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame Haadrawi, « afku siran ». Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar shaafici mohamed • 28 Avril 2023 • Commentaire de texte • 2 612 Mots (11 Pages) • 290 Vues
The most complicated poem « afku siran »of the Somali poet Maxamed Ibraahim Warsame Haadrawi
Notes from the poet: « waa kii igu cuslaa ,xanuunkana badna,kaa aan na ugu jeclahay (nuxurka iyo ujeedada marka laga tago ee laga hadlo wajiib gudashada) » this quotes that the complex aspect of the matter made it Haadraawi’s favourite one .
Introduction : (sharaaxaad hore) :according to late Haadraawi ,the words and construction of this poem are not particularly difficult to understand nevertheless the idea behind it is! And as result it requires knowledge and consciousness and awareness!
Now concerning the poem, the author says that it tells us about life and what life it is?! It talks about us and who we are?! It tells us about religion and what our religion actually means? and of course it mentions God and who God is? (+what is our planet and what it represent)
1)Two main observation before the starting of the poem were made by the poet however he started by some statement about the fact that God makes us the best of his creature hence we should be the masters of this life (also the philosopher comment on ppl that avoid or doesn’t take seriously religious topics). -The first observation which is some sort of issues is our lack of comprehension and/or lack of willingness on the fact that Allah made us the best of creature ( as a prove verse of Quran + reminding the sujud (prostration)of angels for Adam who was for all human being) because right here a profound contrast appear on our supposed reaction after being aware of that because in one hand we accepting being the best creature of God but at the other hand we avoiding the accountability and responsibility which comes with our status of most honoured creature by Allah, thought we can see with people such as generals and officers of armies that get their medals for performed duties thus get distinguished status from the regular citizen. -Second observation picked out by the thinker and which also constitute a problem is not knowing or ignoring the existence of around millions of others creatures and natural things that constitute our environment/planet that have their place to complete and duties to fulfil in this world thus were created with intention and at the same time they participating to the balance of life with taking part of duties that we are achieving – these creature are whether visible and non-visible and both good/bad .
2)Afku siran(mouth closed or cut my translation), Haadraawi tells us that the name of this poem refer to trees or stones that doesn’t have to say something about human ‘s behaviour during this life as consequence we decided wrongly to understand that like they are here for nothing and were created for no reason. Nevertheless this perception is very incorrect, dangerous and also disrespectful to god .Therefore it is this kind of perception that lead us to act without respect and caring, for instance when you are in a forest and you believe that you alone and you do not take account the presence of others creatures but only look for any human presence .Yet the reality and purpose of these creatures are different of our view and thoughts of them ,as result it will be asked to us how we acted toward them in the day of judgement and therefore the poet continue saying that, unfortunately, with our current behaviour we will be in the day of judgement ,not going with these creatures in our hand as a sign of taking care of them but actually them being in our stomach as a sign of us eating them and selling (and mistreating) them whether it be earth , trees ,animals , sea … to finish with this explanation of the poem the philosopher underlines the duty that it is to transmit this knowledge that he has and that also correspond to accomplish a duty which procure him to remove away some weight by transmitting the message. (As illustration-sheekadii boqorka geesaha lahaa)
3)Now as we entering into the verses and stanzas of this poem, which should contain the biggest part of my summary I unfortunately couldn’t understand perfectly the whole Somali used right there yet I still get the main idea which I will present you in parts , if we might separate the stanzas of this artistic work as parts/ideas we can noticed 8 parts of proper idea: - first idea concern the situation of crisis and civil war in Somalia back in the 90s. - In the second idea the author remind us that life is made of these hard time like in Somalia during that time but also beautiful moment also like his country used to be before the war and so these changing moment and feelings are part of life and will always be.- The third idea that I noted is how we should act toward life and it’s about encouraging human being who should always try something, improve himself and his conditions of life because we believe that we the most intelligent and developed creatures hence we should control the world without forgetting to act responsible and caring, between us and toward others creatures but also our environment. About ourselves, the thinkers underlines that we will never be satisfied without getting where our conscience, spirit, soul recognise as the best for ourselves as result we should never say to ourselves that it’s impossible or we cannot reach it! - In the fourth part the poet tells us about our planet the earth and how perfect it was without the excess of human touches and impact, with the presence of animals, insect, the wild life, diverse and huge forest ,and not having dirty see and oceans, which all of them, in their way of being automatically called for the glorification of their creator. Plus it represented some inspirations sources for literature and poesy workers (the authors quotes one of his others works on some particular tree in Somalia).then the poet described the natural things as “iidaankii nolosha” the savour of life was the pureness and beauty of the planet .- the fifth point of this poem is saying at the first to remember how earth was and how life were on this place when it was like described in the beginning of the part fourth following this, also the poet describe the current situation of earth today and especially how it went downhill by going so far as to state about human and jinns”Aafadaada mooye dhulku iin mayeehsee ”earth/this planet wouldn’t contain any defects or bad things to see except what humans brought there +example of animals who them, take only what they need from trees unlike humans that can even causes deforestations for some of theirs desires . -The sixth part is logically Haadraawi citing or estimating the terrible consequence that we made it to earth by destroying and abusing what it contains just for our desire of getting always more and which cause us things like drought or natural disaster in return. Besides the author remind us that after taking advantages we rather than gave something back we just eat or use then poop it or throw it away, he also described the deterioration and pollution and the area that we made dirty. Then, Haadraawi add to this idea that this bad and ungrateful behaviour of human isn’t surprising god because it was the case since our great grandparents Adam and eve when they ate the forbidden tree before they repent. - Now for the seventh part The poet presented us what humans really is and specially what he supposed to have as a way of life and take choices that are beneficial to him, because he said that we aren’t the one bad, awful, who is forgetting kindness and consciousness or smartness that we are today, just because of laziness and unnecessary/crazy interest. The answer gave by the philosopher is that life have challenges which are here to test us and not for others things as result we should act with consciousness and behave smartly while thinking about tomorrow in order to get a good future in this world with a better planet and in hereafter for taking care of our environment and creatures that are present here with us then the philosopher continue with reminding the optimistic and motivating description of human being which is being the most powerful , most honoured and better creatures thanks to Allah than how we are today only because we lack of willingness and dare of choosing good thing for us. ”ha adoomin garashada”do not enslave your Reason/rationality .We got a prove for that when we hear about prophet Muhammad scw going on skies without any planes or thing like that just with the help and permission of Allah, even we know that the angel Jibril were not allowed were the human being Muhammad scw was and also the miracles made by the prophet Jesus. So, these are one of the highests and inspiring illustrations of our real capacity linked to the god’s permission. Haadraawi continue saying to humans do not be afraid to try! ,Do not avoid to open doors that might contain difficult things and live as a noble and liable master of your place! “axdi baa ku xidhayayee magan taad ka oday tahay marti adigu haw noqon”don’t be like a guest or even a beggar and weak person in your home and with your responsibility. - Following this the authors enter in the part 8 talking to us about what is this life on this planet and he said that it’s actually something to listen and learn from it, something with sufficient wisdom , somewhere with constant surprises ,somewhere that represent an continuous hope, something that give us knowledge and teach us responsibility but also somewhere and something that teach us to recognise God and thus make your soul and conscience calm and content. He continue saying that life on this planet is a complex thing that shouldn’t be only for satisfying our primary interest and need ”Erey bay ku timi qudha mise lama astayn karo” it came with one word yet we cannot fully describe it(referring to god creating it with only one word despite this visible complexity) .He then say that this life on this planet procure continuous changing situation and specially the planet itself got an amazing and mesmerising physical aspect ,for example admiring nature like trees will take you hours and days except if you just looking for something to eat or take, in that case you will pay attention during some small second and then go away. The poet insist that even for success man or a man that lived here for plenty years he will never know everything about it and that’s why that as big as you think of your knowledge of this planet and this life it will never be enough, “Asalkeeda garashada ha dhigin ogaalkaa”don’t make the entire composition of knowledge only the part that you got. As result the author sayto us to live as an humble, faithful, grateful and curious person, “Oogadeeda waxa yaal ha ku urusan boobkee ,ogolnaasho weydii”do not take everything that you want from this earth but always ask for permission and don’t forget to give something back. As illustration he bring up situation like when you are with yours camels, before expecting to get meat or milk from them bring them to area that procure them water, leaves for food and everything that represent pleasure for them. Then the philosopher continues with a parallel between the death of our planet because of our disastrous management and our death which will come and be succeeded of judgement on how we acted in this planet concerning every aspect and toward everyone. Plus, he reminds that birds, rocks or trees and other creature know what we doing and can separate/recognise the one good to them and the other, as consequence they are far from being stupid and lack of awareness. To finish his poem Haadraawi describe for a while environment and nature and gave many different compliments and advise humanity to not be the hated one of the natures but be the helpful smart and caring one.