Mots de liaison en anglais
Fiche de lecture : Mots de liaison en anglais. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Tinuviel69 • 23 Août 2024 • Fiche de lecture • 525 Mots (3 Pages) • 143 Vues
Linking words
Adding more information | Comparing and contrasting | Cause / Reason |
And as well as (de même que) Besides, moreover (de plus) In addition Another point is that... Relative pronouns who (persons)... / which (things or animals)... / that / where (a place where...) / when (the day when...) / whose + noun (dont) | But However (cependant) whereas (alors que) although (bien que) on the one hand … on the other hand (d'un côté, d'un autre côté) in contrast despite / in spite of + noun (en dépit de) | As (comme) because since (puisque) as a result due to + noun (en raison de...) this / that is why |
Expressing effect | Event sequence | Opinion |
So (donc) thus (ainsi) consequently / therefore Expressing purpose (but) to + BV / so as to + BV in order to + BV (afin de...) so that + S + vb | To begin with, (at) first, then, next, later, at/in the end, at last, finally, eventually (finally) during + noun (during the holidays, during the meal suddenly once …. (une fois que) soon (bientôt) immediately until (jusqu'à ce que) | In my view in my opinion I think, I believe Apparently Personally speaking, Summing up To sum up in short, In brief to put it in a nutshell |
Emphasis (insistance) | Giving examples | Similarity |
Especially particularly naturally really actually (réellement, en fait) above all (par dessus tout) exactly | For example for instance in particular namely (à savoir) such as …. (tel que) including | Similarly, similar to (de la même façon) also like just as + clause just like + noun |
Linking words
Adding more information | Comparing and contrasting | Cause / Reason |
And as well as (de même que) Besides, moreover (de plus) In addition Another point is that... Relative pronouns who (persons)... / which (things or animals)... / that / where (a place where...) / when (the day when...) / whose + noun (dont) | But However (cependant) whereas (alors que) although (bien que) on the one hand … on the other hand (d'un côté, d'un autre côté) in contrast despite / in spite of + noun (en dépit de) | As (comme) because since (puisque) as a result due to + noun (en raison de...) this / that is why |
Expressing effect | Event sequence | Opinion |
So (donc) thus (ainsi) consequently / therefore Expressing purpose (but) to + BV / so as to + BV in order to + BV (afin de...) so that + S + vb | To begin with, (at) first, then, next, later, at/in the end, at last, finally, eventually (finally) during + noun (during the holidays, during the meal suddenly once …. (une fois que) soon (bientôt) immediately until (jusqu'à ce que) | In my view in my opinion I think, I believe Apparently Personally speaking, Summing up To sum up in short, In brief to put it in a nutshell |
Emphasis (insistance) | Giving examples | Similarity |
Especially particularly naturally really actually (réellement, en fait) above all (par dessus tout) exactly | For example for instance in particular namely (à savoir) such as …. (tel que) including | Similarly, similar to (de la même façon) also like just as + clause just like + noun |