DST d'anglais
Dissertation : DST d'anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Noé Baeumler • 20 Avril 2023 • Dissertation • 543 Mots (3 Pages) • 310 Vues
I comprehension
Les entreprises utilisent de plus en plus la présence des chiens au bureau pour réduire le stress au travail et fidéliser leur personnel. Les chiens sont devenus une attraction incontournable dans les bureaux, en particulier dans les start-ups. Pour les entreprises, permettre aux employés d'amener leur animal de compagnie est un moyen facile et peu coûteux d'attirer et de retenir les employés de la génération Y. Les employés sont souvent plus fidèles aux entreprises qui autorisent les animaux de compagnie, car 82 % d'entre eux ont déclaré se sentir plus loyaux envers ces entreprises, 88 % pensent que les animaux de compagnie améliorent le moral et 86 % disent qu'ils réduisent le stress.
Les entreprises ont des règles pour s'assurer que les lieux de travail sont sûrs, en particulier pour le personnel ou les clients allergiques. Les entreprises profitent de cette initiative car cela évite que les employés partent plus tôt pour s'occuper de leur chien ou arrivent en retard car ils promènent leur chien. Les chiens de bureau améliorent également l'ambiance de travail et sont bénéfiques pour la santé physique, car cela incite tout le monde à sortir dehors. Environ 8 % des employeurs aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni permettent les chiens au travail. C'est une tendance en pleine croissance et beaucoup de jeunes travailleurs préfèrent avoir un animal de compagnie plutôt qu'un enfant.
II Expression
A) Dogs are a “real morale booster”. What else can employers do to boost their employees morale ?(100mots minimum)
Apart from bringing pets to work, there are several other ways employers can boost their employees' morale. Firstly, offering flexible working hours can help employees balance their personal and professional commitments, leading to higher job satisfaction. Secondly, providing opportunities for professional development and training can show employees that they are valued and that their career progression is important to the company. Thirdly, offering incentives such as bonuses, extra paid time off, or team outings can motivate employees and show them that their hard work is appreciated. Fourthly, creating a positive and supportive work environment, where employees feel respected and included, can also have a significant impact on morale. Finally, regularly recognizing and celebrating individual and team achievements can help employees feel valued and proud of their work. By implementing a combination of these strategies, employers can create a work culture that fosters positive morale, leading to happier and more productive employees.
B) In your line of business, imagine the pros and cons of bringing a pet at work. (100mots minimum)
In the field of Escape game, bringing a pet to work could have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, having a pet around could help reduce stress and anxiety and create a more relaxed and enjoyable work environment. Pets can also serve as a source of comfort and emotional support for employees who may work long hours. On the other hand, pets can be a distraction and may interfere with productivity, especially if they require constant attention or care. Additionally, employees who work remotely may face challenges in managing their pets while maintaining a professional and focused work attitude. It is important for employees to consider the impact of bringing a pet to work and to ensure that it does not negatively affect their work performance or their clients' experience.