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Cours : TRUMAN NOTES. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Novembre 2018  •  Cours  •  529 Mots (3 Pages)  •  596 Vues

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  1. What were the key domestic issues faced by Truman, 1945-53

July 1948: Democratic National Convention

        • Truman attempted to unify the party with vague civil rights plank in the party platform

        • Mississippi delegation and half the Alabama delegation walked out of the convetion

→ Most party platforms: equal rights for all

→ Liberals: - desegregation

        • Those delegates that left the Convention formed the States Rights' Democratic Party aka the “Dixiecrats”

        • Democratic Governor of South Carolina, Strom Thurmond, was nominated

        • Meanwhile, Henry Wallace announced his intention to run for President for the Progressive Party

→ Progressive Party:

  • desegregation
  • National energy
  • national health service
  • Conciliation with the USSR

        • Ultimately, Thurmond only won 39 electoral college votes and Wallace won 0

        • Truman had won support from workers black americans and farmers

        • Policy of “containment” abroad – the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan

        • Combined with actions against Communism at home:

        • March 1947: Federal Employee Loyalty and Security Program

  • The FBI investigated government employees and applicants with powers to open letters tap phones and bug offices and homes

        • September 1947: National Security Act

  • War and Navy department merged into Departement of Defense
  • Size of the armed forces was increased and the President could move forces without asking Congress
  • Established National Security Council and the CIA: Both reported to the White House and not to Congress

House Un-American Activities Commitee (HUAC)

its role was to investigate “Un-American activities”

        • 1947: Hollywood Ten blacklisted

        • Alger Hiss was tried; convicted of perjury

        • The Rosenbergs were accused of passing on A-bomb secrects to the Soviets and sentenced to death

Why was MacCarthyism able to take hold of America?

  • State departement documents found at offices of a communist magazine
  • Truman set tone of fear
  • 1949: Soviet's first atom bomb and China becomes Communist
  • 1950: Korean War begins





  • After WW2 Truman was afraid of another USA economic depression. He reduced the number of soldiers even though he was afraid of the USSR as it was the start of the Cold War. USA went from 12 million soldier to 3 million.

  • America wanted to return to their normal lifes after WW2, with everyone returning home, USA saw a 25% inflation in 1945-1946.

What did it mean to be a Democract, 1945-53


  • Liberal
  • Interbentionist
  • Uberan areas
  • “New Deal coalition”


  • Conservative
  • Laissez-Faire
  • Rural areas


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